
You can make anything
by writing


by fragrant lulu Jan 06. 2024


the river

강물은 흐릅니다

곧장 직선으로 가지 않습니다

굽이쳐 곡선을 그리며 갑니다

산도 보고 들도 보고 나무도 봅니다

꽃 내음도 맡고 풀 내음도 맡습니다

강물은 알죠, 결국엔

바다로 갈 거란 걸

신나게 놀면서 갑니다

바위에 물살을 부딪쳐



강물은 흐릅니다

The river flows

It doesn't go straight away

It makes curves on its way

It says hi to the mountains, to the fields, and to the trees

It smiles at the grasses and at the flowers

The river knows

It runs to the sea, in the end

It amuses itself all along

Tickling the rocks merrily

singing and

dancing together

The river flows

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