
You can make anything
by writing


by 이학윤 Nov 13. 2020

전태일 열사 50주기 추모 그림

Today is the 50th anniversary of Jeon Tae-il, a korean worker and labour activist who suicided by burning himself to call of implementation for basic labour laws. If you want to know korean modern history briefly, I strongly recommend to know Jeon's life(I suggest to search 'Jeon Tae-Il' on wikipedia).
I think the original photograph of Jeon is too common and did not take his caring and humane personalities. Most of all, he was a tailor. If he live with our generation, he must be one of the top progressive fashion artists.
Though he was also paid very poor, he usually bought 'Poul-bbang'-one of the korea's most popular and cheap street foods, looks like fish-for young female workers, who did not have enough money to buy meal.

작가의 이전글 mindscape #9
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