
You can make anything
by writing


by Skye Jun 22. 2020

오늘은 다를거야

소중한 하루를 낭비하지 않겠다고 다짐하면서 한 책에서 가져온 구절.

“Today will be different. Today I will be present. Today, anyone I speak to, I will look them in the eye and listen deeply. 

Today I’ll play a board game with Timby. I’ll initiate sex with Joe. Today I will take pride in my appearance. I’ll shower, get dressed in proper clothes, and change into yoga clothes only for yoga, which today I will actually attend. 

Today I won’t swear. I won’t talk about money. Today there will be an ease about me. My face will be relaxed, its resting place a smile. Today I will radiate calm. Kindness and self-control will abound. Today I will buy local. 

Today I will be my best self, the person I’m capable of being. Today will be different.”

― Maria Semple, Today Will be Different

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