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You can make anything
by writing


by 이소영 Sep 09. 2021

Last Will and Testament of SY

I know you are sad because I’m dead, but I hope everybody can chat freely gathering at this event today. I would say my death is not a sad event at all. But I won’t be able to control your mind.

If I’m sick in bed, don’t treat me for extending the rest of my life. That’s your greed, not my wish. I lived so hard during my life, therefore, please give me a rest quickly. If some part of my body is intact, I’d like to donate the whole body as much as possible. It will be useful because I’ve worked out hard and started to eat healthy foods.

Please leave me in a fresh air crematorium like a party with music. And don’t forget to play BTS medley song for the day. Those are the music that I think of good old days when I listen to. I hope you don’t spend too much money on my death.

After the funeral, I hope that my body will be burnt and spread on the ‘Secret beach’ in Sagye, Jeju island. If you don’t know the place, please ask Surge, Jeongeun, Dasha, or anybody who knows the area. I hope a handful of me will be kept by someone and spread at ‘Inside’ in Lombok. Even if it’s a hassle. While you are there, let’s surf together.

Frankly, I have some money. I leave half to my mom and the other half to MJ. Please feel free to use it for yourself.

In addition, there is some stuff I want to leave somewhere in the world. In my yoga mat, there are still my sweat and breath enfumed. So, if someone uses it for a long time not wasting it, our breaths will always be together. Also, I have some books. Don’t throw out or burn them, but, please donate them if there is a place that needs them if I couldn’t do that by myself before I finish my life.

I blame my parents for giving birth to me until my early 20s and forgave the person who I had hated around my early 30s. Thinking that there is not a situation that can’t be understood until the last moments of my life, I tried to understand everybody. Thank you for being in the center of my realization, mom and dad, eventually.

My friends who fully spent hot summer together, I’ll still love you even after I leave this world. I hope to continue to breathe together every summer day.

People who are alive, please live. I’m going to take a rest more comfortably than anybody else.

September 2, 2021. Soyoung Lee wrote.

- The draft of this will was written in Korean on June 1, 2019.
- I will revise my will every year.
- My English tutor Surge reviewed and corrected the English version of this will.

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