
You can make anything
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by 최철주 Oct 01. 2023

Art movement Abstract painting

Abstract Painting Design Methodology 15

Art Review: Abstract Painting Design Methodology is a new art movement in abstract painting that approaches modern images of an event and performance as desire concept art as realistic abstract painting. & Contemporary Art Movement Now: A New Abstract Methodology for Drawing Abstracts from Uninterpretable Modern Abstracts to Images of Modern Events into Desire Concept Desire Designing Modern Art Abstraction Concept Abstraction & Abstraction Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Abstraction Art Work [15] contemporary abstract art movement examples: Contemporary installation artist artwork [6] contemporary art sculpture image artwork:  Contemporary Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Installation Art Review & Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Design Review of Painting and Sculpture Design: Famous Installation Artist, Contemporary Artist, Abstract Artist, Conceptual Artist Installation Art Painting and Sculpture / Contemporary installation art work & contemporary art sculpture image artwork:  Media Art Display Installation: <a disappear pond> by Louis Choi Chul-joo, a media art work at the Minoo Media Art Museum  

Media Artist & Contemporary installation artist Louis Chul-joo Choi’s Media Art Video Display: <a disappear pond>, 20201126-20201210, Minoo Media Art Museum

Media Art conceptual artist Louis Chul-joo Choi’s Media Art Video Display: <a disappear pond>, 20201126-20201210, Minoo Media Art Museum

Contemporary Image Installation Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's "The Missing Pond" is a digital painting art designed with the outline and monochrome of objects by dividing the image of photographs in media art into conditions of light.

Choi Chuljoo is a realistic abstract painting that reproduces the  Minoo Media Art Museum's Media Art Digital Pond, which combines the concept of impressionist painting and popular culture, and is a media art that reproduces a series of collage images of the pond that have disappeared.


The alternative image of the actual pond is media art made of fish painted against the backdrop of a moving fish pond, so continuous fish design images are decorated in the form of virtual video performances in which temporal interaction participants intervene with video monitors and consist of media art composed of reversible shades of light.


The shape of the pond as a video performance as a subject symbolically digitizes the actual pond as a media, but the interactive composition emerges from the actual design. 

In fact, the meaning of the missing pond is virtually assigned to the digital pond, and the fish there are always instantaneously located in the pond, even if it is an imitated image.


Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art "Disappeared pond", Still image (a hand-painted picture on a computer: pond-9), 2020 


The virtual pond effect expresses the image of a pond separated from the fish in a different sense from the fish. 

It is also an image showing the process of repeating the connection with the pond and meeting the meaning related to the fish symbol design of the pond as the linguistic meaning of the missing pond.


It is a symbolic interpretation of the "disappeared pond" painted as a simple pond.

The design of the pond as an impressionist painting image here visualizes the characteristics of the symbol to attract the "disappeared pond" as a symbolic image, but excludes black, which defines shapes differently from impressionist painting, and emphasizes shade with light as its original color.


It hides a painterly imitation structured as a symbol fish, centering on the painterly reality that the symbol cannot become a fish due to the intervention of light. 

Modern Image Installation Art Media Art "The Missing Pond" impressively expresses the missing pond by imitating an impressionist picture of fish forming in white that distinguishes light. 

However, there is a difference between painterly reality and imitative concepts, in which the pond as an impressive picture is transferred to an image symbolizing a disappearing pond, and a fish separated from the real world is replaced by an image symbolizing the pond. 

In addition, pictorial imitation is symbolized as a design process by highlighting simplified features and creating aesthetic effects through the design of visual signs. 

The design of the pond, which embodies the fish in the "a disappeared pond," represents the linguistic meaning of being a real being. Here, the design of the essential elements of fish and ponds is abstracted into white fish and black ponds in contrast to the illumination of the embodied ponds. 

In addition, the visual design image of the fragmented meaning as a symbol is the white fish as a symbol. The abstract design of the realistic desire to replace the black pond hidden by fish with another pond expresses the meaning of the missing pond.

Therefore, the symbolic expression of pictorial imitation determines the meaning of the symbol. The decision here is to abstract the design that determines the representation and meaning of the symbol. In other words, symbols representing meaning are realistically symbolized as abstract figures that reveal the meaning of the figure.

The fish in the pond is reminiscent of the desire of the other in the pond, with a symbolic image that goes beyond the real range of the fish in the painting.

Impression design is a linguistic meaning, a sum of meaning as an imitative real image composed of design decision lines where the concept line of the image intersects with the abstract meaning, and this designed symbol is a photographic image.

The design value of an image is the effect of the media that enables communication.

However, if the meaning is abstract design, the designed symbol image follows an abstract meaning in which the entire symbol image is integrated into a communication unit, independent of the linguistic meaning. 

Therefore, the abstracted design of the black pond is not to understand the meaning of the pond related to the white fish, but to understand the meaning of the missing pond as the integrated meaning of the symbolic image, and to abstract the meaning of the non-verbal image by combining symbols designed as pictorial imitation. 

It is a "disappeared pond" with an abstract design of a pond that pictorial imitates photographic images before realizing abstraction. 

It reveals symbolic images through the language structure of the pond, and shapes the abstract images that have disappeared from the black pond through specific symbolic images of the missing pond.

The design of unrealistic symbols focuses on the meaning of symbols in objects and is conveyed when the meaning functions as a form of media. Abstract design has emerged as a visual symbol in the media. 

It dictates the meaning of symbolic action, which is characterized by a design that repeatedly combines pieces of distorted images in the process of pictorial imitation. 

An image that imitates the meaning of symbolic action is symbolic language. Here, the image of the language is a piece of meaning symbolized in an impractical space. / Writing. Installation artist Choi Chul-joo (media artist and Ph.D. in cultural design)


Installation Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art Disappeared pond image-1, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art Disappeared pond image-2, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art Disappeared pond image-3, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art Disappeared pond image-4, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art Disappeared pond image-5, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art Disappeared pond image-5-2, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art "Disappeared pond", Still image (a hand-painted picture on a computer: pond-24), 2020

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art "Disappeared pond", Still image (a hand-painted picture on a computer: pond-45), 2020

Image installation work of the concept of desire: Media art <A Disappeared Pond> 2020

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art "Disappeared pond", Still image (a hand-painted picture on a computer: pond-13), 2020

Louis Chul-joo Choi, Media-art "Disappeared pond", Still image (a hand-painted picture on a computer: pond-16), 2020

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