Contemporary Art Review by Louis Choi 38
Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo Criticism [38] Modern Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo's Criticism of Contemporary Art & Design Criticism of Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Today Choi Chul-joo's Art Criticism, Contemporary Abstract Art Painter Criticism & Abstract contemporary art that designed modern art abstract painting: Contemporary artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's realistic abstract work criticism of antinomical contemporary art as a conceptual art of treachery based on the concept of desire of others and Contemporary Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo's Contemporary Art work criticism: <Installing an image of a firm desire>: Image is a concept of desire without abstract meaning and spatial constraints and grasps the desires of others as subjects related to reality.
In the aesthetic structure concealed by the subject, the sky divided by clouds is the shaded light of the object and stops the abstract concept in real life. And the size of the image of a correlated reality as a shade is omitted and it is positioned as a range that appears to be light. This is a place where reality has an aesthetic value adapted to the place as an image, and decorates the place with the colors of universal reality that fit the custom. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of installing an image of desire.
Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory window 2024-8-Installing an image of a firm desire, 150X112cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024
Installing an image of a firm desire
The installation of the desire image is to reveal a significant painting image in the mind through an error in the subjective abstract image of an object that does not exist by realizing the representation of a linguistic object.
It simulates (模寫) the concept of linguistic desire as a painting and displays the representation perceived as desire as a real image. In other words, displaying linguistic desire as a painting image embodies desire as an actual painting image with an objective correlation, like T. S Eliot. In other words, it abstracts the linguistic image as a concept of desire, but metaphorically as a real image of the concept.
The real image manages and abstractly defines the object as the meaning of existence.
Therefore, in linguistic abstraction, the meaning of existence is taken as a real image. By showing existence as an image rather than an object as reality, it becomes a reality in abstraction that transcends the subject of the object. In this way, existence generalizes the object as a firm subject with a phenomenal gaze.
The installation of an image of firm desire is the installation of an image as a subject of firm existence, which is viewed through the gaze of the desire for existence.
Even if the actual object's light is bright, it does not reach the light in the sky, and the cloud divides the space according to the installation of the image of existence. Therefore, by rejecting metaphysics that do not affect the object of desire with reversible light, the existence of an object is recognized as an image through the shadow of light.
Here, imaginary desire is a linguistic impression concept, and the image of meaning is repeatedly designed to reconstruct the abstract formative color into a real image, and the outer surface of reality is developed as an objective correlation.
Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory window 2024-8-Installing an image of a firm desire, 150X112cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024
The design process of Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire abstract art is to install such a firm gaze image as the outer surface of reality and abstract the outer surface of reality as a correlation of reality as a concept of desire.
Since this is reversely abstracted as a correlation of a phenomenal real image, the image design of the concept of desire is repeated to show the correlated real image of the concept of interpreting desire as a cartoon cartoon only as an event or performance image, and the real image as an event and performance image is drawn as a phenomenal perception and installed as a correlated image in the thought intended by the action of the image.
It acts as a coincidence to reduce the non-visual image derived from this to a linguistic abstraction cartoon review. Image correlation, which replaces the symbolic phenomenon of an image with a reality that symbolizes the meaning of the image, does not presuppose a causal relationship with a single meaning, but results in an image that is connected to the concept of desire as a correlation between an abstract concept that deviates from the structure of non-realism and reality.
Image is a concept of desire without abstract meaning and spatial constraints and grasps the desires of others as subjects related to reality.
In the aesthetic structure concealed by the subject, the sky divided by clouds is the shaded light of the object and stops the abstract concept in real life. And the size of the image of a correlated reality as a shade is omitted and it is positioned as a range that appears to be light. This is a place where reality has an aesthetic value adapted to the place as an image, and decorates the place with the colors of universal reality that fit the custom. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of installing an image of desire.
The object of reality is a shape that has remained as a color in the linguistic sense that existed conventionally, and is composed of a single image of the desire of the other in contrast to the light of the past. The image shows the image of reality that existed in the original place of the image with a shape stopped by desire.
When an image is a desire image, it is not affected by the subject of the shape and is visually abstracted as a subject according to the desires of others. Therefore, the abstract effect reproduced by the desire gaze is reduced to abstraction from the actual image in which the desire image is superimposed as the gaze image of a firm desire is installed. / Writing. Art critic Choi Chul-joo (conceptual abstract painter & Ph.D. in cultural design)