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by 김종찬 Dec 21. 2023


Han Dong-hoon ‘Bad guy, strong, common p

한동훈 ‘나쁜놈 강자 서민 약자’ 단독 지배체제 정당 구축에 ‘동료시민’ 새 계급  

한동훈 법무장관이  지난해 5월 취임에서 ‘나쁜놈 강자, 나쁜 놈 잡기’를 형사정책으로 밝히고 21일 퇴임에 “서민과 약자의 편에 서고 싶었다”며, 정당을 ‘단독 지배체제’로 정의하고 ‘동료시민’을 새 호위 세력으로 밝혔다. 

한 장관은 이날 이임식 후 기자들에게 “국민의 상식과 국민의 생각이라는 나침반을 갖고 앞장서려 한다”며 “그 나침반만으로는 길 곳곳에 있을 사막이나 골짜기를 다 알 수는 없겠지만, 지지해 주시는 의견 못지않게 비판해주시는 다양한 의견도 경청하고 존중하면서 끝까지 계속 가보겠다”고 ‘정당의 단독 지배체제’를 말했다.

한 장관은 법무장관 후보자에서 “검찰은 나쁜 놈들 잘 잡으면 된다”고 검사 수사에 ‘유죄 판단’ 권한 부여를 밝혔다.

그는 이임사에서 “동료시민들의 삶이 조금이나마 나아지게 하고 싶었다”며 “특히 서민과 약자의 편에 서고 싶었다. 그리고 이 나라의 미래를 대비하고 싶었다”고 밝혔다.

그는 특히 “추울 때도 더울 때도 고생하신 청사 여사님들과 방호관님들께도 고맙습니다. 마음으로 응원해 주신 동료시민들께 고맙습니다”라고 말해, ‘동료시민’을 반복해 ‘보수 정당의 새 정치 주체’로 급조했다.

그는 이임사를 통해 정치 세력화의 새 주체로 ‘동료시민’ 용어로 검찰권 직원에서 ‘서민’을 권력층으로 별도 분리해 강경보수 정당의 미래 지배계층에 지목했다.

법무부는 이날 언론 공지로 “한 장관은 국민의힘 비대위원장 제의를 수락하고 윤 대통령에게 사의를 표명했다”고 밝혔다. 한 장관은 이날 오후 5시 법무부 청사에서 이임식을 갖었고 직후 기자실을 찾아 ‘나침반만으로 계속 끝까지 가보겠다“고 밝혔다. 

이에 앞서 국민의힘은 이날 오후 한 장관을 당 비대위원장으로 추천했다.윤재옥 당 대표 권한대행은 이날 긴급 기자회견으로 “국민과 함께할 수 있는 최선의 결정을 하기 위해 국회의원, 당협위원장, 상임고문 등 다양한 의견 수렴 절차를 거쳤다”며 “지금 국민의힘을 이끌 비대위원장은 민생과 국가의 미래를 결정지을 내년 국회의원 총선을 이끌 막중한 책임이 있는 만큼 그 인선의 기준과 목표가 분명해야 한다”고 말해, ‘인선 기준’에 '정당 보증'을 밝혔다.

<한동훈 ‘검찰 유죄 판단’ 윤석열 ‘글로벌 표준 적임자’, 2022년 4월 19일자. 한동훈 ‘검수완박 저지 나쁜놈 판단 직업윤리’ 문대통령에 '대응', 4월 26일자 참조>

Han Dong-hoon ‘Bad guy, strong, common people, weak’ A new class of ‘fellow citizens’ in establishing a political party with a single ruling system

When Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon took office in May last year, he announced that his criminal policy would be 'catching the bad, the strong, and the bad'. When he left office on the 21st, he said, "I wanted to stand on the side of the common people and the weak," and defined political parties as a "single ruling system." ‘Fellow Citizens’ was announced as the new security force.

Minister Han told reporters after the transfer ceremony that day, “I intend to lead the way with the compass of the people’s common sense and thoughts.” He added, “I may not be able to know all the deserts and valleys that will be found along the road with that compass alone, but I am as grateful as the opinions you support.” “I will continue to pursue until the end while listening to and respecting the various opinions that are being criticized,” he said of the ‘political party’s sole ruling system.’

As a candidate for Attorney General, Minister Han said, “The prosecution just needs to catch the bad guys,” and announced that prosecutors would be granted the power to determine guilt in their investigations.

In his speech, he said, “I wanted to make the lives of my fellow citizens a little better,” and “I especially wanted to stand on the side of the common people and the weak.” And I wanted to prepare for the future of this country,” he said.

He especially said, “I am also grateful to the office workers and defense officers who worked hard even when it was cold and hot. “Thank you to my fellow citizens who supported me from the bottom of my heart,” he said, repeating the word “fellow citizen” and hastily transforming it into “a new political subject of the conservative party.”

Through Lee Im-sa, he separated the ‘common people’ from the prosecutorial staff in the term ‘fellow citizens’ as the new subjects of political power, and designated them as the future ruling class of the hard-line conservative party by separating them from the power class.

The Ministry of Justice announced in a media announcement that day, “Minister Han accepted the offer to become the People Power Party Emergency Committee Chairman and expressed his gratitude to President Yoon.” Minister Han held a transfer ceremony at the Ministry of Justice building at 5 p.m. on this day, and immediately visited the press room and said, “I will continue to go to the end with only a compass.”

Prior to this, the People Power Party recommended Minister Han as the chairman of the party's emergency committee this afternoon. Acting party leader Yoon Jae-ok held an emergency press conference on this day and said, "In order to make the best decision that can be shared with the people, members of the National Assembly, party council chairperson, standing advisor, etc. “We went through a process of collecting various opinions,” he said. “The chairman of the emergency committee, who will lead the People Power Party now, has a huge responsibility to lead next year’s general election of the National Assembly, which will determine the people’s livelihood and the future of the country, so the standards and goals for his appointment must be clear.” The political party's guarantee was expressed in the 'standard goal of appointment'.

<Refer to Han Dong-hoon ‘Prosecution’s guilty verdict’ Yoon Seok-yeol ‘Qualified person for global standards’, April 19, 2022>

Class, People Power, Bad Guy, Fellow Citizen, Minister of Justice, Emergency Committee Chairman, Common People, Inauguration Address, Retirement Address, Dong-Hoon Han

작가의 이전글 이스라엘‘터널파괴’미국‘표적작전’하마스‘시가전지속'
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