
You can make anything
by writing


단편 애니메이션 - 메카니컬 왈츠, The Mechan

메카니컬 왈츠, The Mechanical Waltz (2015)

Genre 장르 : 애니메이션

Director/Writer 감독/작가 : Julien Dykmans

Producer 책임 프로듀서 : Julien Dykmans

Production 제작 : Julien Dykmans

DOP 촬영감독 : Julien Dykmans

Synopsis 시놉시스

The Mechanical Waltz is a story of puppets living in a totalitarian world. They are destined to enact the same routine, controlled by their masters. But today is the day that frees them from the mechanical quotidian, and releases them into a beautiful waltz of freedom.

단편영화 감상

매거진의 이전글 단편영화 - 스네이크 바이트, SNAKE BITE 
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