
You can make anything
by writing


단편 애니메이션 - 플러터, Flutter (2017)

플러터, Flutter (2017) 

Genre 장르 : PREMIER

Director/Writer 감독/작가 : 블라디미르 토도로프 (Vladimir Todorov)

Producer 책임 프로듀서 : Boriana Todorov

Synopsis 시놉시스

In a world, where every living creature can defy gravity and fly at will, being stuck on the ground is no fun. If all you can manage is to trudge along, loneliness, depression and despair come knocking on your door. Letting them come in is an option. Finding the courage to soar is priceless 

단편영화 감상

매거진의 이전글 단편영화 - 침묵, Silence (2016)
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