
You can make anything
by writing


해외 단편영화 - 카이드넵트, Kidnept

카이드넵트, Kidnept (2016) 한글자막 CC

Genre 장르 : 코미디

Director/Writer 감독/작가 : Anil Wagemans

Cast 출연 : Sytse Faber, Boumadian Jaghi, Torsten Colijn

Producer 책임 프로듀서 : Jose Andrade, Anil Wagemans & Cameron Lie-Martinez

Production 제작 : Zeg Maar Films

DOP 촬영감독 : Luuk de Kok

EDITING 편집 : Bas Rath

ART DIRECTION 미술감독 : Jill Roozen

Synopsis 시놉시스

Kidnept is a black comedy about Thomas: a goofy single-dad who slaves away everyday at a boring, mundane job only to be bullied by his coworkers. When his bullies are not satisfied with their pranks they're taking it one step further: they are going to kidnap his daughter.

Awards 수상경력

SCREENING PRIZE Vlaardings Film Festival (3rd prize) Post Mortem Film Festival (screened)

단편영화 감상

매거진의 이전글 해외 단편영화 - 클러치,Clutch (2016)
작품 선택
키워드 선택 0 / 3 0
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