Genre 장르 : 드라마
Director/Writer 감독/작가 : 황동석 Hwang, Dong-Seok
Cast 출연 : 황한울, 한기장, 동현배, 강민구
Producer 책임 프로듀서 : 황보정
Synopsis 시놉시스
전시회를 준비하는 화가 몰디브.
매일 같은 시간에 윗집에서 들리는 피아노 소리가 이런 몰디브의 작업을 방해한다.
Painter Maldives is preparing for his new exhibition.
Since sometime, he starts to hear piano melody playing from do to ti every day at the same time from upstairs.
At first he did not like it, then as time when by the fact that the piano player did not play the last melody do bothered Maldives.
The painter Maldives wants to get close to the perfection.
And the piano melody from do to ti bothers him every day.
He lives in a place with the best security system. He calls the security that would do anything to solve the neighbor’s problem and tries to solve it. He even calls the police who work for the citizen but they all just treat him like a mad man. Nothing can satisfy his perfection. Eventually he chooses a wrong decision. At the last moment of his breath, he pictures himself from the past when he was pure and innocent.
Directors Note 연출의도
눈에 보이는 거에 치중하는 요즘의 우리들의 모습을 보며 그 보다 본질에 대하여 다시 한번 생각하길 바라는 마음으로 영화를 만들게 됐다.