
You can make anything
by writing


 레오니트 시멜코프 애니메이션-베리 론리 콕

베리 론리 콕 Very Lonely Cock, Ohen' Odinokiy Petux (2015)

장르 : 애니메이션

감독/작가 : 레오니트 시멜코프 Leonid Shmelkov

책임 프로듀서 : Marina Popova



It is a hard day for the very lonely cock. Perhaps tomorrow it'll be better. Who knows? Anyway, it can't get any worse. Or can it? Not only is the production of eggs at stake for the very lonely cock, in this strange world everything is getting stranger by the minute.

단편영화 감상

매거진의 이전글 레오니트 시멜코프애니메이션-마이 오운 퍼스널 무스
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