
You can make anything
by writing


by gkiim Mar 09. 2021

slack off, come clean

Words of the Day 0309 오늘의 단어/표현

slack off

v. 1. to make less effort than usual or to be lazy in your work

    2. to do something more slowly or work less hard than before

syn. be lazy, procrastinate

ant. hardworker, workaholic

ex.) We can't slack off until everything is finished. 

ex.) I was exercising regularly last summer, but I've been slacking off recently. 

ex.) My manager is always slacking off all day at work. It makes me irritated.  

My own sentence

 After the Korean SAT, students have been slacking off. 

come clean 

v. to tell the truth about somehting that you've been keeping secret 

syn. confess, tell the truth

ant. keep secret

ex.) The suspect come clean and confessed to the stealing. 

ex.) It's not easy to come clean sometimes. 

My own sentence

 When students are asked who is bullying whom, they are reluctant to come clean. 


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