
You can make anything
by writing


by gkiim Mar 12. 2021

butter someone up, be in a rut

butter someone up

vt. When someone is being really nice to another person because they want the person to do something for them 

syn. flatter

Example sentences

- I used to butter up my mom before I asked for money. 

- Don't try ro butter me up. 

- It's no use trying to butter me up. I do everything by the book. 

My own sentence   

Please be careful when someone is buttering you up, he or she is trying to take advantage of you. 

be in a rut = be stuck in a rut

 in a fixed rather borign way of doing something

syn. be bored to death

ant. excited, interesting

Example sentences

- After 9 years at the same job, my husband says he is in a rut. 

- I quit my job because I felt I was struck in a rut.

My own sentence

My 16-year-old daughter confessed she was in a rut and everything was meaningless. So we started a journey to explore the world in search of the meaning of life. 


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