
You can make anything
by writing


by 아보카도 Jun 27. 2017

[칸 라이언즈 헬스 2017] 첫째날

행사장 가는 길

09:45~10:45 / Fighting for Your Creative Life / McCann Health

Speakers: Jeremy Perrott, Mike Massimino, Jonty Toosey 

Healthcare is a notoriously difficult industry for anyone to be creative in and following convention may seem like the only option. However, if challengers, game changers and mavericks like Mike Massimino, a former NASA astronaut, and Jonty Toosey, a commercial director, worked within the constraints of their industries, would their brilliant accomplishments have come to fruition? In this session, hosted by Jeremy Perrott, global chief creative officer for McCann Health, two dynamic and mould-breaking creative artists tell us how they fought for their own personal creative lives. 

혁신은 기존 접근방식을 벗어나 새로운 관점에서 상상하는 것에서 출발함

혁신적인 기술도 개인적인 이야기와 연결되어야 함.  

혁신은 기존 접근방식을 벗어나 새로운 관점에서 상상하는 것에서 출발함

우주인의 창의적인 해결방법 : "로켓을 두대 쏘아서 한다가 고칠 동안 나머지 한 대가 기다리게 하자" 

포기하지 않는 꿈 : 0.000001%의 가능성이라도 0으로 만드는 것은 자기의 포기 

Reality is dull ; 현실은 지루하기 때문에 재미있는 이야기와 이벤트를 바란다. 

Coca cola zero 광고

3 Coke Zero Add A Zero

Iamcanadian campaign 바이럴 영상 + 참여형 캠페인

Molson Canadian Beer Fridge - Scan Your Passport | Molson Canadian

Follow Molson Canadian on: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

Our lives on nnarative : 인간은 스스로 이야기를 만들어내는 존재

11:00~11:30 / Virtually Saving Billions of Lives. From Virtual to Actual Change... / Health in Action Stage / Hosted by: Health Unlimited + Medical Realities 

Speakers: Matt Lowe, Professor Shafi Ahmed

Surgeon at The Royal London and St Bartholomew’s and Co-founder

Across our planet, five billion people don’t have access to safe surgery. Shafi Ahmed is changing that. In May 2014, using Google Glass, he performed and streamed a live interactive operation to 14000 students across 132 countries. In April 2015 he performed the world's first virtual reality operation recorded and streamed live in 360 degrees to more than 55000 people and on 9 December 2016, he performed the world's first live operation using Snapchat Spectacles where he trained 200 medical students. In this session, futurist Shafi Ahmed and healthcare pioneer Matt Lowe discuss and demo how the creative application of new technologies can help drive better health outcomes for patients. 

온라인 수술 상영 : 14,000명이 지켜본 구글 글래스 라이브로 상영, 55,000명이 VR 수술을 지켜봄. 100,000이 스냅챗으로 온라인 수술을 지켜봄.  

교육의 혁신 : 수술 현장을 온라인으로 상영하면, 의료 교육의 혁신이 가능하다. Connection이되는 세상, Peer to peer learning이 가능하다 

온라인 의료지원 : 수많은 개도국 사람들이 수술을 받을 수 없는데, 온라인 연결을 통하여 원격진료를 받을 수 있다. 저 비용으로 개도국으로 교육이 가능하고 수술도 가능하다 

의학 교육을 혁신 : 의학 교육 커리큘럼을 새롭게 디자인 중, 도그마를 받아들이는 순간 평범을 선택ㅎ는 . 학생들에게 medical reality를 체험하게 해줌. 일종의 온라인 직업 교육  

연결 기술 혁신 : Facebook aquila, 구글 발룬 등 전세계 인터넷 기업들이 개도국에 인터넷 연결 인프라를 구축 중임. 기술의 엄청난 발전.  

가상현실로 경험 : 환자도 수술대를 미리 경험할 수 있다 환자의 인내심이 중요하므로 

Barts x medicine

Mr Shafi Ahmed, Director Medical Realities & Virtual Medics, Founder Barts X Medicine - Doctorpreneurs

Dr Catherine Schuster Bruce interviews Director of Medical Realities and Founder of Barts X Medicine Mr Shafi Ahmed for Doctorpreneurs 

Engagement : 기술을 통해서 더 많은 사람들에게 다가가는 것이 핵심

Doctor + entrepreneurs

힐세리온과 미팅

11:40~11:50 / Exploring Creativity Through Experimentation / Google 

Matthieu Lorrain  Creative Innovation Lead

Matthieu Lorrain, creative innovation lead at the ZOO, Google's in-house creative think tank for brands and agencies, will share insights into how to explore new technology that inspires future ideas by prototyping experiments. 

구글의 혁신조직인 ZOO에서 진행 중인 사업 소개

아이디어를 빠르게 프로토타입으로 제작하는 방법론 소개

가상현실(VR)을 현실에 접목시켜서 증강현실(AR)로 만들어 사람들이 재미있게 느끼도록 함. 

혁신적 기술도 사람들의 이야기와 연결되어야 한다. 

현실과 가상현실의 합쳐서 이야기를 만들어내다

사람들이 원하는 것은 상상력을 자극하는 이야기

12:00~12:30 / Sensual Healing: Improving the Healthcare Experience Through Multisensory Design / iV / Health in Action Stage   

Speakers: Steve Keller, Charles Spence  

In an experientially driven marketplace, it’s important for brands to offer products and services that deliver across all the senses. Healthcare providers can benefit from the same sensory design techniques used by top of mind brands in other market categories. Moreover, healthcare brands have a unique opportunity to explore the meaningful application of cross-modal thinking beyond traditional brand communication – the use of sensory design as part of the healing process itself. Professor Charles Spence and Steve Keller will blend sensory science with practical application, demonstrating how healthcare brands can connect at a multisensory level, where our most fundamental motivations live.  

오감을 활용한 브랜딩 : 초콜렛은 같은데 듣는 음악에 따라서 달기도 하고 쓰기도 하다

Perception은 복합적으로 작동한다 : Understanding of human minds, Patients minds for better health outcome 

경험디자인이 필요하다 : Experience design, 책 the experience economics

환자의 경험이 중요하다. 치료 기술 뿐만 아니라 환경이 중요. 환자가 보는 창문, 방의 색깔

계속 들리는 소리에 따라서 회복이 달라진다

Hunger for touch : 애완견으로 환자가 더 잘 회복

색깔 : 파란색 그릇에 식사를 제공하는 것만으로도 식사량이 1/3이 늘어남

빨간 쟁반에 음식을 두면 잘 먹지 않는다. 디자인에 비용을 줄이지 마라 

혁신적 아이디어들 : 아이스크림으로 영양을 제공한다면,  병원에서 와인으로 축제를 열어준다면

치매노인들에게 sensual healing이 필요 

12:40~12:50 /  Outthink Your Biggest Challenges / By IBM Watson

Speakers: Michael Volpe, Nish Parekh  

IBM Watson is a cognitive system enabling a new partnership between people and computers, where systems can think and understand the world like humans. With Watson, health organisations are harnessing the power of AI and cognitive computing to transform industries, help professionals make better decisions, scale expertise, and solve complex challenges. In this talk, Watson will break down how it works, thinks and is being used in the digital health space today. 

Your celebrity match : IBM Watson 빅데이터 테크놀로지  

14:00~15:00 / Social-centricity: Impacting Circles of Influence to Change Behaviour / By inVentiv Health Communications 

Speakers: Kathleen Starr, PhD, Susan Perlbachs 

In healthcare, we talk a lot about adherence and compliance. But as brands, our role and commitment is really helping support behaviour change: how do we help people act on the health decisions they’ve made for themselves? How do we empower them to be more resilient to try and try again? inVentiv Health will explore how we take a more 'social-centric' approach that takes into account the social drivers that shape an individual’s behaviour. Join this interactive workshop with activities and group discussion to debate how brands can support patients as people in their social settings, and explore how healthcare communications around the world can be more socially-centric. 

환경디자인이 중요 : Society shapes health behavior. 행동변화를 일으키려면 환경을 변화시켜야 한다

UNICEF, create opportunities / raising awareness is nothing

담배가 해롭다고 알리는 것은 아무 소용이 없다. 환경을 구축해주어야 한다. 사용자 경험 

Warriors In Pink: Remind Me Soap | Ford Latino

Para recordarte que cada vez que te duchas es una buena oportunidad para hacerte un autoexamen de senos, hemos creado Remind Me Soap. Un jabón que no te deja...

Remind me soap : Ford 재단에서 진행한 유방암 캠페인

여성들은 지식이 부족해서 유방암 검사를 안받는 거이 아니다

샤워를 할 때 자신의 유방과 비누를 만지면서 느낄 수 있는 계속해서 말해주는 캠페인

*유럽 화장실에서 유행하고 있는 while use me, Stop the Water 

담배가 해롭다고 알리는 것은 아무 소용이 없다. 환경을 구축해주어야 한다. 사용자 경험

수혜자와의 커뮤니케이션 중요(C4D) : 수혜자가 지속적으로 보건문제를 해결하기 위한 바람직한 행동이 필요함을 인지해야 함. 반복적으로.

유럽의 핫 트렌드, ‘착한 소비와 개념 소비’

[글로벌 현장] 품질은 물론 사회적 의미 반드시 갖춰야 기업 성장 가능 (사진) 코스메틱 브랜드 '스톱더워터 와일 유징미'는 제품을 통해 물을 아끼는 생활 습관을 갖도록 유도한다. /스톱더워터 공식 홈페이지 [한경비

Sharing heartbeats 앱

사용자 경험을 생각 : 유아에게 엄마의 심장박동을 전달해주는 인형, 엄마는 편안히 다른 일을 할 수 있도록 환경을 조성해 줌. 더 편한히 잠든다

Shared Heartbeats by Telekom (Apple Watch App)

Link to the app: Supporting webpage: Description: The m...

문화를 활용한인식 변화 : 주의를 환기시켜야 함. 이 때 문화적 비유가 유효함. 

Gsk india, Intestine 의 해충을 슬럼으로 비유. Zentel이라는 항생제 홍보

Zentel Case Study_Patients

14:30~15:00 / Welcome to the Age of Age  /By Young & Rubicam and PhRMA / Speakers: Robert Zirkelbach, Belle Frank 

We've reached a new golden age of aging. Today people are living actively into their 90s and beyond. Scientific strides now help fight heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and more. Thanks to innovations in medical technology, we are living longer and better. Consumers and brands are witnessing a sea change in how we view aging. Robert Zirkelbach, executive vice president of PhRMA and Belle Frank, chief strategy officer at Y&R Health, will explore the extraordinary innovations in health and why we must rethink what it means to be old. They'll explore the insights driving breakthrough work in the health creative landscape. 

Do Not Go Gentle. #GOBOLDLY - TV

Finding lifesaving medicines is a life’s work – the work of 140,000 researchers who never say never. As well as the millions of patients who fight side by si...

미국제약협회의 홍보 : 제약업계 종사자들의 이미지 개선을 위해서 "담대한 도전을 하는 사람들"로 브랜딩하고 이들을 홍보함. 알츠하이머병을 완치하려는 노력,  의학계의 혁신을 보여주는 다양한 영상들

GoBoldly - Latest news and stories from the American biopharmaceutical industry

BETTER, FASTER, SOONER. SOLVING THE MYSTERY OF MS. Together, Ian and Laurel will never stop fighting for better MS treatments. READ THEIR STORIES A NEW WORLD OF MEDICINE Discover how medicines that were once made for everyone, are now being designed specifically for you. WATCH THE VIDEO We cannot ta

스토리텔링 : America's pharmaceutical companies 캠페인. 환자와 연구자를 동시에 비추어줌

Together - Lung Cancer 

초고령화사회 : 10년 동안 완전히 의학이 바뀜. 2050년에는 60대 이상이 모든 세대를 3배 이상 초과하는 초고령화 세계가 됨 나이듦은 나이의 숫자라는 개념이 점차 바뀌고 있고, 괜찮고 스스로를 더 잘 이해하는 나이

15:00~15:45 / Healthy Storytelling – the Importance of Embracing the 'Dark Side’ / By Aesop / Speakers: Robert Zirkelbach, Belle Frank 

We've reached a new golden age of aging. Today people are living actively into their 90s and beyond. Scientific strides now help fight heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer’s, cancer and more. Thanks to innovations in medical technology, we are living longer and better. Consumers and brands are witnessing a sea change in how we view aging. Robert Zirkelbach, executive vice president of PhRMA and Belle Frank, chief strategy officer at Y&R Health, will explore the extraordinary innovations in health and why we must rethink what it means to be old. They'll explore the insights driving breakthrough work in the health creative landscape. 

Storytelling 중요성 : 2012년에 전세계 광고계를 휩쓴 개념

그러나 진실성이 있어야 한다 : The wider world hates what the advertising agengies do

Droga 5 리더의 책, The end of advertising

15:15~15:25 / Changing Healthcare with Virtual Reality / By GMR Marketing / Speakers: Peter Smith 

People remember 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they observe and 80% of what they experience. Virtual reality has the power to be a game-changer in healthcare, providing first-hand experiences to patients and doctors to further advance education and understanding. The technology can provide solutions to current industry pain points, such as physician education without impeding patient throughput, calming patients during medical procedures and educating caregivers about the use and effects of prescriptions. Pete Smith will present on behalf of GMR Marketing, an innovative global sponsorship and experiential leader that connects brands and their consumers through shared passions. 

Humana 360 : VR AR을 활용

혁신 기술 활용 : VR과 AR을 활용하여 신체구조를 더 실감나게 잘 알 수 있다. 

15:30~16:00 / Regulation Is the Road to Innovation / By Area 23 / Speakers: Bernardo Romero 

Restrictions of all kinds inspire people to do great work. Limitations on freedom of speech, economic recessions and regulations are a fertile territory for innovation and creativity. Advertising industry regulations can – and often do – inspire breakthrough creative work. This talk will overview the highly regulated world of pharmaceutical advertising and how it can spark incredible creativity, despite seemingly overwhelming promotional limitations. 

규제 속에서의 혁신 : 브라질의 민주주의를 이끌어낸 노래 음악가, 주어지는 규제를 극복하는 창의력 

Macma 캠페인 그랑프리 수상작


A tener muy en cuenta.

16:00~16:45 / Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare / By TBWA\WorldHealth / Speakers: Jean-Marie Dru

Healthcare is the single largest industry in the world, three times larger than banking, yet it is lagging significantly in terms of innovation. A recent Harvard Business School article captured it well: “Yes, medical treatment has made astonishing advances over the years. But the packaging and delivery of that treatment are often inefficient, ineffective, and consumer unfriendly.” What is the path forward? How can we, as creators, makers and storytellers, disrupt the status quo? Here, the architect of Disruption® and legendary agency strategist Jean-Marie Dru will explore new approaches and possibilities for creating the change that is so urgently needed in healthcare today. 

파괴적 혁신 Distruptive innovation :  Airbnb 같은 것

숙박업의 지금 지형을 바꿈.  

보건의료계에서 혁신이 많이 일어나야 하는 상황. 의학의 발전 치료의 발전, 기기의 발전

나만의 주치의 Sherpa, 약 구독 모델 capsule

점차 진단과 치료보다 관련 환경을 구축하는 것이 중요해지기 때문에 의사보다 간호사가 중요해질 것이다. WHO에 따르면 2050년까지 의사가 더 많이 필요한데 달성이 불가능한 상황. 준의료인력이 필요함

*개도국에서는 지역보건요원이 이미 중요하다 

오픈 이노베이션 : mPedigree, OpenICE 

Reverse innovation : 사회적기업과 상품 개발

16:30~17:00 / The Creative Future of Healthcare / By InterbrandHealth / Speakers: Shradha Agarwal, Neil Stevenson /  

What is the role of creativity in healthcare? In this session, Outcome Health founder Shradha Agarwal will be in conversation with IDEO’s Neil Stevenson, exploring the dimensions of creativity in our industry and considering how creativity can be amplified to humanise and transform the healthcare experience. With special attention to design and technology, it will show how creativity has the potential to transform healthcare for the better. 

보건에 있어서 인간의 선택이 중요 : 인간의 헬스케어 시스템은 정책과 기술혁신으로 바뀌는 것이 아니라 수많은 개인의 선택으로 바뀐다.  기술이 대체할 수 없는 human interaction이 있다

의사와 환자의 상호작용

Swipesense : 의사들이 손씻게 만드는 기기

환자도 과정을 즐길 수 있도록 하기

17:00~17:45 / A Cure for Reputation / By Pfizer / Speakers: Dana Gandsman, Ed Harnaga, Denise Henry /  

At its heart, the biopharmaceutical industry exists to improve lives. Why, then, is it so reviled? Public criticism has reached fever pitch. People see medicine as a human right – and one that shouldn’t cost a thing. But lost in this debate is what it takes to make these life-saving medicines. As a leader in the sector, Pfizer knew that it had to gain back respect from society. How? By focusing on the heart of its work – the passion and dedication of its scientists to find cures. Pfizer has made inroads in improving perceptions through its first corporate advertising campaign in more than a decade. Leaders from Pfizer’s corporate affairs and reputation communications teams will discuss how Pfizer’s efforts to redefine what the company stands for, ultimately changed the company’s reputation for the better. 

제약회사의 브랜딩 : 화이자 제약의 캠페인

약이 만들어지는 과정을 전달. 화이저 직원들을 새롭게 브랜딩한 캠페인. 투자자들도 좋아하는 광고 

Before it Became a Medicine TV (60 second)

For more information visit,

모든 채널을 활용하여 캠페인 진행   

칸에서 만난 한국분들과

작품 선택
키워드 선택 0 / 3 0
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