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by 제인 Feb 11. 2022

미술, 예술을 넘어선 NFT 활용의 무궁무진함

자동차 데이터의 블록체인 저장을 통한 구매 가치 높이기

This sleek SUV comes with an NFT. Could it be the future of car ownership?

The company’s newest vehicle comes linked to its own blockchain token, which can record details of the car’s life cycle.

The web of NFT technology continues to stretch far beyond art, with the world of auto vehicles becoming the latest to embrace the blockchain. 

The Tonale NFT’s blockchain ledger will record details about the car throughout its life cycle, including proof of proper maintenance.

This way, owners of a Tonale can have digital certificates of regular car check-ups added to the blockchain, which could boost the car’s eventual resale value. 

블록체인에 자동차 데이터를 기록하여 정보를 투명하게 공개, 관리할 계획. NFT를 통해 Tonale라는 브랜드 소비자의 구매 가치를 높일 수 있게 되었다.

매거진의 이전글 유튜브도 NFT
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