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by 제인 Feb 11. 2022

유튜브도 NFT

YouTube jumps on the NFT bandwagon with new tools for creators

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki previously hinted in a letter about two weeks ago, that the video-sharing platform was considering experimenting with NFTs. “We’re always focused on expanding the YouTube ecosystem to help creators capitalize on emerging technologies,” she wrote, “including things like NFTs, while continuing to strengthen and enhance the experiences creators and fans have on YouTube.”

A few creators with some of the first viral videos on YouTube have already sold their original videos as NFTs. In April of 2021, Cara Cunningham—formerly known as Chris Crocker—sold their iconic “Leave Britney Alone” video as an NFT for over $41,000. 

유튜브 CEO는 크리에이터가 영상을 NFT로 판매할 수 있는 툴을 도입하겠다고 발표했다. NFT가 판매될 때마다 수수료와 비슷한 방식으로 수익을 창출하려는걸까? 유튜브의 1차원적인 광고 수익 모델에 블록체인 기술이 어떤 변화를 불러올 지 궁금하다. 

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