
You can make anything
by writing


by 동네아밥 May 20. 2022


아휴 이제 다신 백지에서 안짠다

매번 필드에 값을 일일이 넣어줘서 그리는데 한세월이었는데

속도가 많이 개선되어서 저장해놓으려고 한다.

소스 하단에는 결과물과 ColorIndex 첨부.

셀별 값 입력에서 Clipboard 복붙으로 변경으로 속도개선

필드 값 표기 속성 추가 : Decimals, Bold, Size


1. 셀 컬러 및 테두리 레이아웃 설정


3. 필드 값 표기 속성 설정

65 * 27 = 1,755개 필드 값 실행속도

30초 -> 3초로 줄어들었음.. 데이터 양이 늘어날수록 개선효과가 더 클듯

헌데.. 일정 이상이 되면 클립보드에 다 안들어가지 않을지도..

이때는 LT_CHAR의 필드길이를 가늠해서 조절해보자.

-파일은 아래 내용과 동일-

form get_xls  using    value(pt_mplan) like gt_mplan[].
   data: begin of ls_check,
           matnr     like ztppgt00060-matnr,
           maktx     like makt-maktx,
           longm     like makt-zz_maktx,
           verid     like ztppgt00060-verid,
           bomc      like ztppgt00060-bomc,
           mdv01     like ztppgt00060-mdv01,
           idnrk     like ztppgt00060-idnrk,
           maktx1    like makt-maktx,
           longm1    like makt-zz_maktx,
         end of ls_check,
         lv_fildname type char70,
         lv_val      type char70,
         lv_rc       type i,
         begin of ls_char,
         end of ls_char,
         lt_char  like table of ls_char,
         lt_desc  type abap_component_tab,
         lo_type  type ref to cl_abap_datadescr,
         lo_struc type ref to cl_abap_structdescr,
         lo_table type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr,
         lo_data  type ref to data.
   data: lv_excel    type ole2_object, " Excel object
         lv_wbl      type ole2_object, " List of workbooks
         lv_wb       type ole2_object, " Workbook
         lv_cell     type ole2_object, " Cell
         lv_font     type ole2_object, " Font
         lv_interior type ole2_object, " Interior
         lv_columns  type ole2_object, " Columns
         lv_border   type ole2_object, " Borders
         lv_begin    type ole2_object, " Borders
         lv_end      type ole2_object. " Borders
   data: lv_title    type i value 15,  " Light Gray
         lv_total    type i value 50,  " Green
         lv_subtotal type i value 35,  " Light Green
         lv_conf     type i value 36.  " Light Yellow
   field-symbols: <lv_val> type any,
                  <lt_tab> type standard table.
   "FILL OUTTAB Contents
   loop at pt_mplan into data(ls_mplan).
     if ls_mplan-idnrk is not initial.
       move: ls_mplan-idnrk  to ls_check-idnrk,
             ls_mplan-maktx1 to ls_check-maktx1,
             ls_mplan-longm1 to ls_check-longm1,
             ls_mplan-power  to ls_check-power.
     elseif ls_mplan-verid is not initial.
       move: ls_mplan-verid  to ls_check-verid,
             ls_mplan-bomc   to ls_check-bomc ,
             ls_mplan-mdv01  to ls_check-mdv01.
       move: ls_mplan-idnrk  to ls_check-idnrk ,
             ls_mplan-maktx1 to ls_check-maktx1,
             ls_mplan-longm1 to ls_check-longm1,
             ls_mplan-power  to ls_check-power .
     elseif ls_mplan-matnr is not initial.
       move-corresponding ls_mplan to ls_check.
     modify pt_mplan from corresponding #( base ( ls_mplan ) ls_check ).
   "GET Column List
       et_fieldcatalog = data(lt_fcat)
   delete lt_fcat where no_out = 'X'.
   sort lt_fcat by col_pos.
   data(lv_cols) = lines( lt_fcat ).
       text       = 'Exporting Data to Excel...'.
   create object lv_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'.
   call method of lv_excel 'Workbooks' = lv_wbl.
   call method of lv_wbl 'Add' = lv_wb.
   get property of lv_excel 'ActiveSheet' = lv_wb.
   "CREATE Header
   loop at lt_fcat into data(ls_fcat).
     data(lv_col) = sy-tabix.
     call method of lv_excel 'Cells' = lv_cell
         #1 = 1  "ROW
         #2 = lv_col. "COL
     if ls_fcat-coltext is initial.
       ls_fcat-coltext = ls_fcat-scrtext_s.
     set property of lv_cell 'Value' = ls_fcat-coltext no flush.
     get property of lv_cell 'Interior' = lv_interior.
     set property of lv_interior 'ColorIndex' = lv_title no flush.
     get property of lv_cell 'Font' = lv_font.
     set property of lv_font 'Bold' = 1.
     set property of lv_font 'Size' = 11.
   data(lv_rows) = lines( pt_mplan ) + 1.
   "GET MENA COLUMN No.: to set decimals property
   data(lt_mena) = lt_fcat.
   delete lt_mena where fieldname(4) <> 'MENA'.
   read table lt_mena into ls_fcat index 1.
   data(lv_mena_s) = ls_fcat-col_pos.
   read table lt_mena into ls_fcat index lines( lt_mena ).
   data(lv_mena_e) = ls_fcat-col_pos.
   call function 'CONTROL_FLUSH'.
   loop at pt_mplan into ls_mplan.
     data(lv_row) = sy-tabix + 1.
     loop at lt_fcat into ls_fcat.
       lv_col = sy-tabix.
       lv_fildname = 'LS_MPLAN-' && ls_fcat-fieldname.
       assign (lv_fildname) to <lv_val>.
       case ls_fcat-fieldname(4).
         when 'MENA'.
           write <lv_val> to lv_val decimals 3 left-justified.
         when others.
           write <lv_val> to lv_val left-justified.
       ls_char-line = ls_char-line && lv_val && cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
       at last.
         append ls_char to lt_char. clear ls_char.


  "SET MENA~ as TEXT, Right justified
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_begin
       #1 = 2
       #2 = lv_mena_s.
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_end
       #1 = lv_rows
       #2 = lv_mena_e.
   call method of lv_wb 'Range' = lv_cell
       #1 = lv_begin
       #2 = lv_end.
   call method of lv_cell 'Select'.
   set property of lv_cell 'NumberFormat' = '@' no flush.
   set property of lv_cell 'HorizontalAlignment' = -4152.
       "SET COLOR
       read table ls_mplan-fcol into data(ls_fcol) with key fname = ls_fcat-fieldname.
       if sy-subrc = 0.
         call method of lv_excel 'Cells' = lv_cell
             #1 = lv_row  "ROW
             #2 = lv_col. "COL
         get property of lv_cell 'Interior' = lv_interior.
         set property of lv_interior 'ColorIndex' = lv_conf no flush.
         if ls_mplan-lcol = 'C510'.
           call method of lv_excel 'Cells' = lv_cell
               #1 = lv_row  "ROW
               #2 = lv_col. "COL
           "ROWCOLOR => TOTAL
           get property of lv_cell 'Interior' = lv_interior.
           set property of lv_interior 'ColorIndex' = lv_total no flush.
         elseif ls_mplan-lcol = 'C500'.
           call method of lv_excel 'Cells' = lv_cell
               #1 = lv_row  "ROW
               #2 = lv_col. "COL
           "ROWCOLOR => SUBTOTAL
           get property of lv_cell 'Interior' = lv_interior.
           set property of lv_interior 'ColorIndex' = lv_subtotal no flush.
       no_auth_check = 'X'
       data                 = lt_char
       rc                   = lv_rc
       cntl_error           = 1
       error_no_gui         = 2
       not_supported_by_gui = 3
       no_authority         = 4
       others               = 5
   "PASTE Contents
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_begin
       #1 = 2
       #2 = 1.
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_end
       #1 = lv_rows
       #2 = lv_cols.
   call method of lv_wb 'Range' = lv_cell
       #1 = lv_begin
       #2 = lv_end.
   call method of lv_cell 'Select'.
   call method of lv_wb 'Paste'.
   get property of lv_cell 'Font' = lv_font.
   set property of lv_font 'Size' = 10.
   "SET Border
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_begin
       #1 = 1
       #2 = 1.
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_end
       #1 = lv_rows
       #2 = lv_cols.
   call method of lv_wb 'Range' = lv_cell
       #1 = lv_begin
       #2 = lv_end.
   call method of lv_cell 'Select'.
   call method of lv_cell 'Borders' = lv_border
       #1 = '7'. " xlEdgeLeft
   set property of lv_border 'LineStyle' = 1 no flush.
   call method of lv_cell 'Borders' = lv_border
       #1 = '8'. " xlEdgeTop
   set property of lv_border 'LineStyle' = 1 no flush.
   call method of lv_cell 'Borders' = lv_border
     #1 = '9'. " xlEdgeTop
   set property of lv_border 'LineStyle' = 1 no flush.
   call method of lv_cell 'Borders' = lv_border
     #1 = '10'. " xlEdgeTop
   set property of lv_border 'LineStyle' = 1 no flush.
   call method of lv_cell 'Borders' = lv_border
     #1 = '11'. " xlInsideVertical
   set property of lv_border 'LineStyle' = 1 no flush.
   call method of lv_cell 'Borders' = lv_border
     #1 = '12'. " xlInsideHorizontal
   set property of lv_border 'LineStyle' = 1 no flush.
   "SET MENA~ Decimals 3
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_begin
       #1 = 1
       #2 = lv_mena_s.
   call method of lv_wb 'Cells' = lv_end
       #1 = lv_rows
       #2 = lv_mena_e.
   call method of lv_wb 'Range' = lv_cell
       #1 = lv_begin
       #2 = lv_end.
   call method of lv_cell 'Select'.
   set property of lv_cell 'NumberFormat' = '0,000.000' no flush.
   "OPTIMIZE All Cols
   call method of lv_wb 'Columns' = lv_columns.
   call method of lv_columns 'Autofit' no flush.
   set property of lv_excel 'Visible' = 1.
   "SET Cursor
   call method of lv_excel 'Cells' = lv_cell
       #1 = 1
       #2 = 1.
   call method of lv_cell 'Select'.
   "CLEAR Clipboard
   refresh: lt_char.
       no_auth_check = 'X'
       data                 = lt_char
       rc                   = lv_rc
       cntl_error           = 1
       error_no_gui         = 2
       not_supported_by_gui = 3
       no_authority         = 4
       others               = 5
   call function 'CONTROL_FLUSH'.



ColorIndex 참조


컬러인덱스 말고 그냥 Color값을 주면 모든 색을 다 쓸 수 있다.

다만 변환을 거쳐야 하는데.. 6자리 HEX값을 가지고 Longname을 찾아보도록 하자.

첨부한 엑셀을 통해 확인할 수 있다.

2번째 시트에는 셀별 정렬 서식을 확인할 수 있다.


이외에도 사용되는 엑셀 상수 리스트

xlLeft 등 이름으로 입력하면 안먹으니, 변환된 상수로 입력해주자.

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