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by 김동섭 Feb 21. 2020

Horse-drawn Carriages Banned

The city of Montreal, Canada had a long history of horse-drawn vehicles which was an important part of the culture over the years. But it was set to ban those vehicles on January 1, 2020. That was supported by Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante since a horse had died on the street while pulling a carriage.
Carriage business owner Luc Desparois blamed animal rights activists for their opinion that carriage horses were abused. And he asserted that his horses were more important than money. So he fought with them in court, but he lost it. The city announced a plan to offer $ 760 for each donated horse to avoid the horses slaughtered. As of December 16, just only one person showed his interest in it.
Nowadays many people are accustomed with the term ‘animal well-being’, and feel more compassion to the pet animal than a few years ago. They do want to protect their rights from being abused. There was some conflict between people in favor than against.
One of the most serious animal abuse is dog eating culture in Korea. A few years ago, most of people claimed that it was nothing shameful since every country ate some type of meat and we korean ate a different type of meat to survive. However, the majority of young Korean people think eating dogs is disgusting and support animal rights activism. So we should not blame people living in a different culture, since each person is following the concensus of each country.  Furthermore, now the world  goes to have consensus which was not possilbe in the past.​ b

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