
You can make anything
by writing


by 골든로우 Oct 05. 2018

Power of thinking

connecitng and liking

      Generally, the word 'power of thinking' is known as 'to have a positive mind.' People feel that they can achieve it by thinking about their goals with a positive mind. It makes me feel relaxed and happy to think that the task will succeed and that it has already achieved that goal. I value positive mind as it means that I can relax my tired mind and work again with energy. Positive thinking can create the energy needed to think creatively. However, it is the power of thought that has nothing to do with achieving the goal. A positive mind that makes you think as if you have achieved your goal already breaks the thought of stepwise action that can achieve your goal.

       If we continue to think about one goal until we complete it, achieving that goal will be much easier and faster. Our thoughts are disconnected from time to time, not constantly connected to one goal. Without thinking and imagining what we've just heard, the next piece of information comes right into our heads and 'the string of thoughts' is broken. When we lose our thought about our goals, we already know the consequences of our goals. You may want to say you didn't know it, but deep down, you already feel a failure. Our subconscious defies the feeling of failure. It is our reality to wander around in search of comfort words that positive results may come out to protest strongly.

     Some of the students I met were good at studying, but many were not. Of course, studying here is mostly about tests, I mean. Students who did not do well on the test had to think about various reasons. I wonder why their grades are different because they have no differences in IQ and understanding ability. At first, I tried to create a note of reasoning for students who did not get grades, give their homework doubled than a normal grade student, and seek various ways to solve the problem they have in getting lower grades.

    However, the effort I made has affected a brief improvement in performance and the problem has not been fundamentally fixed. The fundamental problem was not something anyone could fix. they had no choice but to repair it themselves. The cause of the problem lies in 'disconnecting information about what they have studied, without thinking about it.' Instead of connecting and extending the information quickly received, it was the problem that other information came in and kept switching.  

        Students these days accept too much information. They have at least five classes a day for 50 minutes. The information they get from one subject enters another before it leads to the thought string. The thoughts are being interrupted without a break. one breaks his mind like a habit. In addition, classes and homework assignments at a school or private institution in various subjects are too many to handle, breaking information into small pieces. After a day's work, They are tired of the fragmentation of thoughts and they forget them. They don’t accumulate any knowledge but receive and break the information over and over again, The only goal students have is to get better grades and another goal is to get accepted to college. The power of thinking toward that goal is broken into pieces every day. What’s worse, one doesn't even realize he has such a broken mind. 

       What would happen if they get tested in such a pattern of thought?  It happens that test takers do not read the paragraphs given to them. You might imagine that they don't understand the paragraphs given to a test. That means that every sentence in a paragraph is broken, not link to be understandable meaning.  Sometimes,  they just practiced breaking the line of thought. Eventually, the combination of visible and known words creates a story that is irrelevant to the content. Believe or not, sometimes one takes a story in his/her own way and leads to the misunderstanding of it. They are not reading and understanding the material given in the test even when they are taking an important test. 

       To avoid this kind of problem, you should link the details of the content together, organize them in your thoughts, and then connect the information with your prior knowledge. This process needs to be trained every day. In particular, you should train yourself to connect and understand words and keep connecting and remembering things that you understand.

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