
매거진 일기

You can make anything
by writing


by 홍석범 Jul 03. 2023

2023. 7. 2 Sun

To do

    Jul - Aug    ◼

finish proposal, contact Dr Rabourdin & then others from other faculties

extend lease (until Sep 2024)

    Sep - Oct      

Venice-Florence/ Madrid-London 

make application (starting 1. Oct 2024, also funding)


MAG, put together papers for the architect registration


decision disclosed

apply for accommodation (UCL Halls)

arrange English test

book Seoul

find one back-up institution


5 to 6 weeks in Seoul (Japan holiday)


Vienna between the 2nd and the 3rd week

Shim comes for two weeks


notify SH


Berlin wrap up

매거진의 이전글 2023. 6. 30 Fr
작품 선택
키워드 선택 0 / 3 0
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