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You can make anything
by writing


by 홍석범 Aug 25. 2024

2024. 8. 24 Sat

Resume of a weekend

Woke up late and stayed in bed later still, dumping silly reels on N. Then scrubbed bird droppings off the windowsill with a bowl of hot water and a brush, my favourite chore because of its satisfying result. Had toast for lunch, then watched Steve Jobs by Fassbender and Winslet. Went out to get dish soap and cooking oil. The weather was so hot and unpleasant I didn’t go to Om. Had a nap, jerked off, ordered KFC, vacuumed and wiped the floor until sunset with Bill Evans. It was quite enjoyable to wipe the parquet in the direction it was laid, while the room grew darker and the air breezier. A bit of work out, a long shower, clipped my nails, took out the trash and went for a walk with Calippo in one hand. Jerked off again and read a few pages of Paris Spleen.

I like Fra’s nails - because he takes care of them. They are filed always, in a neat manner and not ostentatiously. Woolf wrote somewhere in her diary that she wants to write something hard and shiny as nails (or something along those lines), a metaphor that has stuck in my mind for its peculiar loveliness. Every time I look at or feel under my thumb his nails I think of this quote. How can I write something like that? These journals, may they not be hard or shiny writings, certainly are remnants of something hard and shiny as nails.

매거진의 이전글 2024. 8. 23 Fri
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