

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Oct 06. 2019

MLD weekly reflection 1

I will put weekly reflection every week here.

This is about my reflection that I learned from Ministry leadership development school. 

1  Pray and ask God to inspire your thoughts

 to give you a personal theme for your MLD.

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10

부르심이 한명을 향한 것이지만 그 사람의 주변사람들과 또 사역하는 곳과 물리적으로 만날 수 없는 다양한 사람들을 향한다면 그것이 더이상 개인적인 것일 수 없다는 생각이 든다. 그래서 나의 부르심이 어떻게 다른 사람과 연결되는지 알고 싶고 어떤 목적으로 어떻게 사용되는지 찾고 알아가고싶다. 내 삶이 하나님의 뜻이 이땅가운데 천국과 같이 이뤄지기위해 어떤 걸음걸음을 걸어가야하는지 지도를 받는 듯한 느낌이든다. 하나님이 걷는 법을 알려주고 그 지도를 그린이가 하나님이라는 것을 아는 여정, 또 이길을 걷는 것이 하나님의 뜻이라고 생각하는 여정. 

the calling is all individual, but its also towards people around me, mission field and other people we never met in physically. then it's no longer a calling for one person for one purpose. so during this season, I want to discover how my calling connect to other people, how can I use my source, which purpose should I get though this time. as I want my life to be used by His will as it is in heaven, I am longing to know how can I start to step this journey. I feel He is giving me direction and map to walk with Him. and this journey is that He teaches me how to walk with Him, to know the map designer is He, to aknowlege these all journey is belong to His will. 

2 What are your expectations for the next 12 weeks? Prayerfully establish at least 3 personal and 3 ministry goals that you have for this season (remember to write down specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals).

personal goals

1. 재정에 있어 책임감과 또 신뢰를 갖는 이로 되는 것. 

for finance, I want to be the one who is responsible, has trust in God. I want to keep learning stewardship in finance. especially I want to keep update my newsletter 1 time in a 2 months for my supporter and share my vision to people at least 4 people in a week. 

2.사역을 함께하는 이들에게 규칙적인 소통하는 사람, 가족과 친구들에게 규칙적으로 소통하는 이가 되는것 

communication with my family and friend and people that I've met. 

I want to care people and communicate how they are doing and check is there I could pray for. In regular, I want to be a person who is really caring. every friday I will contact my family and every saturday I will contact my friend and people that I've met. 

3.가까이 있는 사람들을 사랑하고 격려하는 사람으로 되는 것, 필요에 관대한 사람이 되는것 

 I used to not care people I am really close. but I want to be faith in little. so I want to encourage people, respect people. I will say intentionally thank you, You are amazing ... like those encouraging word to building up. 

ministry goals

1. I will pray and paint for one person in a week. this is what i was doing in my dts and dts staffing. but I want to do more in regular. 

2. I will try to be a friend of other school students in every other day. so reach out first as a friend and help if there's in need. 

3. to know understand His will in my life, I will have quiet time about His plan and what should I do practically in every friday night. 

3  Share what the school theme means for your personally. How does it relate to your life and how does it challenge your growth in leadership?

I feel this theme is connected to the facts that I want to believe. There are always times when lies come around, even if they are not true. There was a time when lies came during I was serving God, I felt everything that I do is changed by lies. So I want to fight and guard my heart with serving God. Cause the 'gladness' is come from choosing what I want to believe. especially if I choose gladness with understanding of what I am doing, then the heart will be guarded with deep knowledge of God. So I want to have deep understanding of why I am doing here, what I am doing.

 What I want to believe is that the God I believe is good and that if I choose joy, I will continue to be joyful. So I want to learn about the train illustration as a experience that I put my will first, mind and emotion are comes next.  and if there is a house where God lives, and if there is a gatekeeper who keeps the house before it, I want to make sure that the lies will not attack me with any Accusations. So I want to make sure that the meaning of what I do with God is not deceived or destroyed by lies. I want to see the all sides in the great picture with God's eyes so that I can see what I really do to make the kingdom of.

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