

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Oct 13. 2019

MLD Weekly Reflection 2

God who restores

isaiah 58:12

And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;

    you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;

you shall be called the repairer of the breach,

    the restorer of streets to dwell in.

psalm 23:3

He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

through this week, I felt God is the one who restores people's heart. even He calls us to restore people. and 'restore' means 'bring back or re-establish ,return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.' if we just imagine that something is need to be rebuilt, then it needs to be clearly started with purpose. or It needs to have plan. the matter is God has plan for us from the womb. so all we need to rebuild and restore in God as we decide to follow. amazingly what I found is that God doesn't work only for restore myself, also He made us to restore people. the system God planed is so various and beyond our limits and our thinking. I couldn't imagine How God works for healing people through once broken people. He restore broken people and He use those people to restore another people. looking back how I was broken and still had affected area, how I much had grace from Him. and How amazing that He uses me to restore people. 

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

I always had hard time when I need to share my testimony or life journey that I've been through. But after sharing with my roomates, with my DTS student, with the one who I just met in MLD, It's totally fliped.

I felt if I give someone a room for deeper relationship or openess to hear from them and share my broken area, I can see the transparency in the relationship. through this, even I am vulnerable to the person, I could get a relationship bonded with affection and understanding. It's such a vulnerable that we could hurts each other, but also could get acceptance that I couldn't get from any other relationship. 

and aknowloging those my weakness, when I shared encouraging to another person, that affects a lot. I went out with a girl for a walk, we just watched the sunset and talked. but sudden I got a word, so shared encouragement to her, she shared how impact it is and How she felt during the moment I open my weakness. 

on friday, I learned how to update YWAM Lausanne wepsite, it's all about date, picture, text that how schools is running and what schools we have, how we explained schools, what is the purpose of school. we had one hour and ten minutes training and I changed a little about quater 2 DTS korean page. I really enjoyed how can we welcome people to DTS and make people disciple to follow Jesus. all the explanation is really touched and I appreciated I could involve in those welcoming and calling invitation towards all around people. and correcting flow the text and changing photo made me feel the heaviness that God's kingdom could expand through this. all those work made my friday perfect and I feel I want to see more God's kingdom expand with practical work in many area. I think I love to learn but I recognize that I am the one if I understand the meaning, purpose behind work, I am getting to love more what I am doing. 

매거진의 이전글 MLD weekly reflection 1
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