

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Nov 03. 2019

MLD Weekly Reflection5

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Ephesians 1:22-23

during prayer day, 

He is faithful to promises and to all individual life. God told me to having a hope for a family and 'home' is the place where God resides. and also I got excited to see people from nations come and trained by new schools and in a new building. when the new phase building will finish the construction, I want to see people 'rebuild' their vision, 'restore' their heart, restore their identity through figuring out what God designed with putting on new. as a community, as a individual, I feel we all got a hope for next journey and to live today with agreeing the vision God poured. 

and what I saw is that we are flying kite running in the field. and people followed us when they see the flying kite. the hope and vision we got is invisible and not visual things, but we testify God is working with us, we visualize the vision is that how God amazingly go before us, before we hear from Him.  

this week is for humbling myself. fundraising, even it just looks asking money in a superficial way, I could agree more that invite people to be partner what I am doing here. and I got  Monthly supporter from 3 to 8 this week. and I also thankful that I could encouraged by them that this mission is really valuable.  even some people thinks mission in switzerland is not that looks hard, but all people here, I really adore their callings and desires to help people growing and training to be disciple of Jesus. I am thankful that I could walk with those people that they've shared their vision with the heart of God. 

and asking people to be a partner with me is so much humbling, I go before God to be more humble with leaving my expectation and with having trust in God. trusting that He fills everything in everyway. still I need to be more understand why I want to stay, how the vision go alongside with ywam lausanne's vision, but I could explain How God brought me here to serve. 

all those words and verses and chapter, I got during few years. 

-Isaiah58 - 'rebuild' 'restore' , 'home', us, family, 'vineyard', prophetic art, one on one, counseling, psalm 119, Judas 1:24. 

 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy

judas 1:24

I hope all those word could be all go together in someday.

and I start to sell the postcard for christmas or etc. and this is such a joy even it doesn't make me more profit, letter has text and the text always comes with a lots of inner sound. and as many people write a letter with honest, it comes with soft, sweet encouraging. I love to write a letter and love to get a letter from people. actually I love more to get, but. 

How beautiful that we could be honest and be sincere with letter. I love the encouraging with word in a letter, it doesn't go away like a word from toungue. and also If i want to write, I choose the word and pharagraph carefully for the receivers not feel a distance in a context when they read again after few years. and  writing is really personal and taking time, so that makes more precious. 

during local outreach, our team met a guy from Romania. He is kind and and open to conversation. we talked about christianity and the life in this world. and I enjoyed to hear from Him that how much He had hard times during teenager and now how he decide to live generously to people. He had a time to suicide himself and addicted to many things, and He decide to live in a different way. He is so interested in christian and His brother is also christian so it's also enfluencing to him. and I shared a 3 circle gospel to him, I shared how prayer is impact when we ask to God. and He kept mentioning that thank you for having me to talk about christianity, about love. actually he works about tarot, astrology, but also He agree that God is exist but wonder that broken people also could be changed.

 so we all prayed for him asking God to his original design. and He is so encouraged by us what we shared.He keep said how much he is thankful to us, and how much he keep contact us, and he said it's such a special time to talk and he wants us buy a meal if he could. 

I think this week went so quick. and I feel this week my ministry,  I did without enthusiasm. But I enjoyed to update the photos that explain about the opportunities in this community. and so much enjoyed that I could also change SBS korean change with translating more detaily and adding more paragragh from English side, making similar with English side. still korean side is needed to be changed more and adding more new picture and translation, I feel contain with organazing structure of page and adding script with translation. 

매거진의 이전글 MLD Weekly Reflection 4
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