

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Nov 11. 2019

MLD Weekly Reflection 6

My week has been filled with reflection. I thought i was good, i am doing good but i started to think again about what is reality. 

Dan baumann mentioned christian life is all about realize the reality that Jesus is with me. And just keep fall in love with jesus. And do not be a good christian. But just know that Jesus madly fall in love with you. 

Also day by day asking God to have desire to love him , desire to be loved by him. This week feels more exhausted and tired. I didn’t want to show people that i am exhausted, so i feel i made more distance between people. I know i am loved by people in this community. But i feel more lonely and empty.  And i know that i need to be filled with holy spirit more. Honestly i need god more in my life.  I need god’s love more than ever. Even i am so easily distracted , i hope that keep me put it back to the place that i could focus onto God, gazing His shine face. Just keep realize that He is the reality, That He is with me

I could reach out few teenager. We did greeting and talked and during mld i think i didn’t step out more even though i knew that i need to do it.

For Ministry involvement, I feel more distracted or little bit exhausted.

Recommit to God

Every thursday praying for future, next step.

Find more identity in God, figure out what is false or truth in what I am having as identity.

everyday 7:30am for praying, listening from God.

Remember what God has done - make list.

Write what I heard about original design. 

greeting to everyone when I see.

Pray loud during community time at least once in a week.

Initiate heart for where I am involved in. - ministry involvement, ministry circle, events

having time to Recommit to God during coming week.

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