

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Nov 24. 2019

MLD Weekly Reflection 8

I ponder about what was His promises. and Magdy showed us the video that we are all His masterpiece. how can we argue with God that we are not masterpice even God told us that we are. I was that kind of person that argued with God that how I am not qualified to be a leader. and when I remember what God promised this season, I got many encouraging word and beautiful word, I had moment that I feel i am not grow enough. even this is end of the quater, I feel there's nothing much changed inside of me. but through meditate hebrews 2 , I got a word of God. the builder said this house i am pleased, then how can house argue with God? how can the house is saying that my house is worst and not beautiful? 

Hebrew 3:4-6

4(For every house is built by someone, but thebuilder of all things is God.)Now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant,to testify to the things that were to be spoken later,but Christ is faithful over God'shouse as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and ourboasting in our hope.

I just feel i want to fill with beautiful things in this house. even I can not see the promises are fullfilled yet, I just say that I believe your promises. I believe the bulider has a purpose for the house and the builder never regret of this. 

and I just had a many so emotional moment, I usually cry a lot. but after I came to staff, i just didn't cry enough and I didn't express much. so I feel now i am being myself. cause those teary moment that I have, is all mixed with the reverence of God, the love for God. and also I had comfort from God, and I had a feeling of wonder that how He is delicate to respond eveyone's heart and also mixed with confusion, doubt. so many things are comes and goes in my heart. I feel all those moments makes me remind who God is. and I know that whenever I feel vulnerable to God, I cry a lot and I feel I am available to Him. 

and I had a good talk with tim in the local outreach. even I just listen, he is the seeker what is the truth. and he has even respect toward christian. and the purpose for life, in work, he was searching for the meaning. and the doubt that he has is also undescribly big but his curiosity for God is also big. and I hoped that he keep seeking God, not religious way and as a relational way. every wedesday is so special to talk people in here. people have openess toward strangers. and even I bring up the topic that they might hate, they honestly share about their opinions. 

working with people in office makes me grateful. how I got privilage to work for people to come that they had real excitement for God's wisdom for living their lives. I got such a privilage to pray for them and preparing their journey. and I think through all my time that I pondered, I can finally more grateful that I am here. for me, understanding situation is always high priority. but I decide to not. I think the breakthrough comes quietly through many prayer from people and through quiet time that God gave me day by day. in a ministry involvement, in a my calling, in relationships, in a personal growth I got breakthrough even looks small.

 still don't know more, but God wants me to live a day with wholeheartly. and God wants me give love completely. still there's many things to figure out, but the calling that God called me to be here doesn't change for today. today I am here, because God called me to be here to love people, to love Him more. 

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