

You can make anything
by writing


by sanwool Dec 14. 2019

MLD Weekly Reflection 11

as Peter walk in the water

“If it is you, command me to come”


Keep your sight to fix to Jesus

Allow Him rule your life

Co-create with Him

He wants to partner with you

He wants to co-create together - not He has remote control.

Are you willing to co-create with God?

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10

Time to look back.

I looked back at the Mld, looked back at my processes, and looked back at my situation. 

When I saw how arrogant I had been,

 I thought how important a quiet time with the Lord was.

 I knew that the time I was motivated was morning, 

and that life would not go on without spending time with God.

I summed up my identity with so many stories Francis told me 

and thought about what I was saying to myself. 

I thought about who I was and what I was saying. 

It is important to know how important what I say to myself and what God is to me.

Are you willing to co-create with God?

I feel I am getting ready to put my self out to the place God calls. even it look start late, start early, start big or small, I am in the right timing to go. and I don't know the after 2 year commitment but what I sure is that If i need to go, I am ready to go. and here I will learn how can I walk with Him with co-creating. 

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