
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 04. 2023

Practice #3

Fake game skills (Sword-related)

1. Sword Slash:  

Description: Perform a swift and precise sword slash, dealing moderate damage to a single target.

2. Dual Strike:  

Description: Execute a rapid double strike with your swords, hitting the enemy twice in quick succession for moderate damage.

3. Whirlwind Slash:  

Description: Unleash a spinning attack, striking all nearby enemies with your sword. Deals light damage but hits multiple targets.

4. Parry Stance:  

Description: Adopt a defensive posture with your sword, reducing incoming damage for a short duration. Great for blocking enemy attacks.

5. Cleave:  

Description: Swing your sword in a wide arc, dealing heavy damage to all enemies in front of you. Effective for crowd control.

6. Precision Thrust:  

Description: Focus your sword skills on a single target, delivering a precise and powerful thrust for high damage. Ideal for taking down tough foes.

7. Blade Dance:  

Description: Enter a state of heightened agility, allowing you to perform a series of lightning-fast sword strikes. Deals moderate damage and can hit multiple targets.

8. Counterstrike:  

Description: Read your opponent's movements and counter their attack with a devastating sword strike. Deals bonus damage when successfully countering an enemy's attack.

9. Sword of Light:  

Description: Temporarily imbue your sword with radiant energy, increasing your damage output for a limited time. Useful for burst damage in battles.

10. Lunge and Slash: 

*  Description: Quickly close the distance between you and your target, then unleash a powerful sword slash. Effective for chasing down and engaging enemies.

11. Blade Storm: 

- Description: Summon a swirling storm of blades around you, damaging all nearby enemies over time. Deals continuous damage while active.

12. Sword Mastery: 

- Description: Enhance your overall sword skills, increasing your attack speed, damage, and critical strike chance with swords.

13. Elemental Edge: 

- Description: Infuse your sword with elemental power (e.g., fire, ice, lightning) to add bonus damage and effects to your attacks. Elemental effects may include burning, freezing, or shocking foes.

14. Sword Barrage: 

- Description: Rain down a barrage of sword strikes on a target area, dealing massive damage to all enemies within the impact zone.

15. Blinding Flourish: 

- Description: Execute a dazzling and rapid series of sword maneuvers that temporarily blinds and disorients enemies, reducing their accuracy and damage output.

16. Sword Dash:  

Description: Dash forward with incredible speed, closing the gap between you and your target in an instant. Can be used for both offensive and evasive purposes.

17. Blade Fury:  

Description: Enter a frenzied state, increasing your attack speed and causing your sword strikes to land more frequently for a limited duration.

18. Armor-Piercing Thrust:  

Description: Execute a precise thrust that bypasses the enemy's armor, dealing bonus damage to heavily armored foes.

19. Sword Taunt:  

Description: Taunt your enemies with your swordplay, drawing their attention and forcing them to target you. Useful for protecting your allies.

20. Sword Throw:  

Description: Hurl your sword at a distant target, dealing high damage upon impact. Your sword returns to you after a short delay.

21. Blade Reversal:  

Description: Turn an enemy's attack against them by parrying and redirecting it with your sword. Reflects a portion of the incoming damage.

22. Phasing Strike:  

Description: Temporarily phase out of reality, allowing you to pass through enemies and obstacles. While phased, your sword strikes deal bonus damage.

23. Sword of Shadows:  

Description: Embrace the darkness within and empower your sword with shadowy energy. Your attacks may inflict debuffs like slowing or silencing foes.

24. Cyclone Blade:  

Description: Unleash a cyclone of sword strikes, spinning around you, hitting all nearby enemies. High damage but leaves you vulnerable during the animation.

25. Sword Dance:  

Description: Perform an intricate dance with your sword, gaining evasion and a chance to dodge incoming attacks. Ideal for staying agile in combat.

26. Guardian's Blade:  

Description: Channel the spirit of a guardian, enveloping your sword in protective energy. Reduces incoming damage and grants resistance against harmful effects.

27. Final Stand:  

Description: When your health is critically low, enter a last stand mode, greatly enhancing your sword's damage and speed for a limited time. Can turn the tide of battle.

28. Swordsmanship Mastery:  

Description: Become a true master of the sword, unlocking advanced techniques and passive bonuses that enhance your combat prowess.

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