
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 04. 2023

Practice #5

Fake in-game skills (ground-based atk)

1. Ground Slam:  

Description: Slam your weapon or fists into the ground, creating a shockwave that damages and knocks down nearby enemies.

2. Earthquake Strike:  

Description: Channel your energy into a powerful strike that causes the ground to tremble, damaging all enemies in a wide area and potentially causing them to stumble.

3. Tremor Stomp:  

Description: Leap into the air and stomp the ground with tremendous force, creating shockwaves that damage and briefly immobilize enemies.

4. Slam Dunk:  

Description: Launch yourself into the air and slam down onto an enemy target, dealing massive damage. Ideal for finishing off tough opponents.

5. Meteor Crash:  

Description: Summon a meteor from the sky to crash into the ground, causing a devastating explosion that damages all enemies in the impact zone.

6. Avalanche Smash:  

Description: Trigger a massive avalanche of rocks and debris, burying enemies in the rubble and dealing significant damage over time.

7. Quake Breaker:  

Description: Swing your weapon in a wide arc, smashing it into the ground and creating multiple shockwaves that damage and knock back enemies in a line.

8. Earthshaker Punch:  

Description: Charge up your fist with earth-shaking energy and deliver a powerful punch that sends shockwaves through the ground, damaging enemies in a cone-shaped area.

9. Tremor Slam:  

Description: Infuse your weapon with seismic energy and perform a slam attack that fractures the ground, dealing heavy damage and causing enemies to be stunned briefly.

10. Seismic Smash: 

- Description: Unleash a seismic shockwave by slamming your weapon into the ground, dealing area damage and reducing the movement speed of affected enemies.

11. Boulder Toss: 

- Description: Pick up a large boulder and hurl it at an enemy, causing a massive impact and damaging both the target and nearby foes.

12. Crater Maker: 

- Description: Slam your weapon with immense force, creating a massive crater in the ground that damages and disorients enemies in the vicinity.

13. Stonebreaker's Fury: 

- Description: Enter a state of heightened rage, enhancing your slam attacks with increased damage and area of effect for a limited duration.

14. Earthquake Resonance: 

- Description: Channel the power of the earth, causing your slam attacks to resonate and damage additional targets in the vicinity.

15. Seismic Mastery: 

- Description: Master the art of ground-based attacks, reducing cooldowns and enhancing the potency of your slamming skills.

16. Shockwave Smash:  

Description: Unleash a shockwave of force when slamming the ground, damaging and knocking back enemies in a radius around you.

17. Avalanche Crush:  

Description: Summons an avalanche of rocks and ice, causing massive damage to all enemies in its path and creating hazardous terrain.

18. Meteor Impact:  

Description: Call down a meteor from the sky, smashing it into the ground with incredible force. The impact damages and stuns all nearby enemies.

19. Tremor Charge:  

Description: Charge up your slam attack as you sprint, delivering a devastating blow that leaves a trail of destruction behind you.

20. Groundswell:  

Description: Channel the earth's energy into your weapon, allowing you to perform consecutive ground slams with increased power and range.

21. Stone Guardian's Strike:  

Description: Invoke the power of stone guardians, granting you the ability to create shockwaves with each slam attack, damaging and knocking down foes.

22. Tectonic Quake:  

Description: Trigger a tectonic quake beneath your feet, causing the ground to rupture and damage all nearby enemies while creating impassable terrain.

23. Tremor Surge:  

Description: Infuse your slam attacks with an electrical surge, adding lightning damage and a chance to stun foes upon impact.

24. Geomancer's Wrath:  

Description: Embrace your inner geomancer, allowing you to control the very earth beneath you. Slam attacks create walls of stone, blockades, or temporary terrain alterations.

25. Mountain's Fury:  

Description: Channel the spirit of a mountain, becoming an unmovable force. Slam attacks gain increased resistance and become harder to interrupt.

26. Crater's Edge:  

Description: Create a massive crater at your location, dealing tremendous damage and pulling nearby enemies toward the center for easier follow-up attacks.

27. Earth's Embrace:  

Description: Temporarily become one with the earth, gaining resistance to damage and a regenerating shield while dealing increased slam damage.

28. Cataclysmic Impact:  

Description: Unleash the ultimate slam attack, causing a cataclysmic impact that damages all enemies on the battlefield and leaves a lasting effect.

29. Seismic Waveform:  

Description: Master the control of seismic waves, allowing you to adjust the radius and intensity of your slam attacks to suit different combat situations.

작가의 이전글 Practice #4
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