
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 04. 2023

Practice #6

Fake in-game skills (Water-related)

1. Water Bolt:  

Description: Cast a quick bolt of pressurized water at a target, dealing moderate damage and potentially soaking them.

2. Aqua Shield:  

Description: Create a protective shield of swirling water around you, reducing incoming damage and providing resistance to fire-based attacks.

3. Tidal Wave:  

Description: Summon a massive tidal wave that crashes into enemies, knocking them back and causing damage in a wide area.

4. Ice Shard Spear:  

Description: Form a spear made of ice and water, then throw it at a target, dealing piercing damage and potentially freezing the enemy in place.

5. Healing Waters:  

Description: Channel the rejuvenating power of water to heal yourself or allies, replenishing health over time.

6. Aquatic Surge:  

Description: Surge through the battlefield in a watery form, drenching and damaging enemies you pass through while gaining increased movement speed.

7. Frost Nova:  

Description: Release a freezing burst of water around you, damaging and slowing all nearby enemies while potentially freezing them.

8. Water Manipulation:  

Description: Gain the ability to manipulate water in various forms, such as creating bridges, extinguishing fires, or redirecting streams for puzzle-solving.

9. Water Prison:  

Description: Encase a target in a watery prison, immobilizing them for a short duration. Can be used for crowd control or isolating dangerous foes.

10. Tsunami Strike: 

- Description: Unleash a powerful tsunami in a line, sweeping away enemies and causing massive damage. Ideal for clearing out groups of foes.

11. Hydrojet Dash: 

- Description: Propel yourself forward on a jet of water, allowing for quick repositioning or escaping from danger.

12. Water's Embrace: 

- Description: Envelop yourself in a watery aura, gradually restoring mana and providing resistance to heat-based attacks.

13. Water Serpent's Grasp: 

- Description: Conjure a water serpent that ensnares and immobilizes a single target, rendering them vulnerable to attacks.

14. Torrential Rain: 

- Description: Summon a torrential downpour that creates puddles of water on the battlefield, providing an advantage for water-based abilities and hindering fire-based attacks.

15. Aquamancer's Mastery: 

- Description: Attain mastery over water magic, reducing cooldowns and increasing the potency of your aquatic spells.

16. Vortex Whirlpool:  

Description: Create a powerful whirlpool that draws in nearby enemies, damaging and immobilizing them while providing crowd control.

17. Water Jetstream:  

Description: Generate a high-speed jetstream of water that propels you forward, allowing you to cross bodies of water or bypass obstacles.

18. Submerge:  

Description: Become one with the water, turning invisible and gaining the ability to breathe underwater for stealth and aquatic exploration.

19. Frozen Cascade:  

Description: Summon a cascade of icy waterfalls that damages and freezes enemies in the targeted area.

20. Marine Ally:  

Description: Summon a loyal aquatic creature to aid you in battle, attacking foes or providing support abilities such as healing or buffing.

21. Water Elemental Transformation:  

Description: Transform into a mighty water elemental, gaining increased power, control over water, and the ability to manipulate the battlefield.

22. Tidal Surge:  

Description: Unleash a tidal surge that floods the battlefield, causing damage and disorienting enemies while providing cover for stealthy approaches.

23. Aquatic Siphon:  

Description: Drain the life force of enemies by siphoning their moisture, replenishing your health and mana with each successful strike.

24. Ice Armor:  

Description: Create a protective armor of ice and water that reduces incoming damage and reflects a portion of the damage back to attackers.

25. Water Blades:  

Description: Form blades of condensed water and send them slicing through enemies in a fan-shaped area, causing bleeding and damage over time.

26. Ebb and Flow:  

Description: Harness the natural ebb and flow of tides, granting you temporary increased movement speed and agility during high tide phases.

27. Floodgate:  

Description: Unleash a controlled flood of water that sweeps away obstacles, revealing hidden paths, and disrupting enemy formations.

28. Elemental Synergy - Aquatic Mastery:  

Description: Master the synergy between water and other elemental powers, allowing for more potent combined effects when used in combination with other elemental abilities.

29. Aquatic Aura:  

Description: Emit an aura of tranquility and rejuvenation, healing allies over time and removing harmful debuffs within the aura's radius.

30. Leviathan's Wrath:  

Description: Channel the fury of the legendary sea serpent, summoning a massive tidal wave that crashes onto the battlefield, devastating all in its path.

작가의 이전글 Practice #5
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