
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 04. 2023

Practice #7

Fake in-game skills (Fire-related)

1. Fireball:  

Description: Hurl a fiery projectile at a target, dealing moderate fire damage on impact.

2. Inferno Blaze:  

Description: Ignite the area around you in a blazing inferno, causing continuous fire damage to all nearby enemies.

3. Flame Strike:  

Description: Enchant your weapon with fiery power and strike the ground, creating a wave of flames that damages foes in a line.

4. Ember Surge:  

Description: Surge forward in a burst of flames, damaging and setting fire to enemies you pass through while gaining increased movement speed.

5. Pyroclasmic Eruption:  

Description: Trigger a volcanic eruption beneath your feet, causing a massive explosion of molten lava and fire damage to enemies in the vicinity.

6. Fiery Shield:  

Description: Create a protective shield of roaring flames that damages and repels nearby enemies when they get too close.

7. Ignition Burst:  

Description: Concentrate fiery energy into a single powerful burst, dealing high fire damage to a single target.

8. Fire Nova:  

Description: Emit a shockwave of flames from your body, damaging and burning all enemies in close proximity.

9. Firestorm:  

Description: Summon a rain of fireballs from the sky, causing multiple fire explosions in the targeted area.

10. Flame Trail: 

- Description: Leave a trail of fire in your wake as you move, damaging and burning enemies that step into it.

11. Infernal Fury: 

- Description: Channel the rage of the inferno, temporarily enhancing your fire abilities with increased damage and area of effect.

12. Flame Cloak: 

- Description: Envelop yourself in a cloak of flames, damaging and deterring melee attackers while providing resistance to cold-based attacks.

13. Fire Whip: 

- Description: Materialize a whip made of searing flames, striking enemies at a distance with each lash.

14. Flame Vortex: 

- Description: Create a swirling vortex of fire that damages and pulls in nearby enemies, keeping them trapped in the fiery maelstrom.

15. Fire Elemental Transformation: 

- Description: Transform into a mighty fire elemental, gaining the ability to control and manipulate flames with great power.

16. Meteor Shower: 

- Description: Call down a shower of fiery meteors from the sky, causing massive explosions and fire damage in a designated area.

17. Flame Blade Mastery: 

- Description: Master the art of conjuring fiery blades, enhancing your fire-based melee attacks and weapon damage.

18. Firebreath: 

- Description: Breathe a stream of scorching fire at enemies in front of you, dealing continuous damage and setting them ablaze.

19. Inferno Wave: 

- Description: Unleash a wave of intense heat and flames that engulfs and burns all enemies in its path.

20. Elemental Synergy - Pyromancer: 

- Description: Master the synergy between fire and other elemental powers, allowing for more potent combined effects when used in combination with other elemental abilities.

21. Scorching Ray:  

Description: Emit a concentrated beam of scorching fire from your hands, dealing continuous damage to a single target.

22. Phoenix Dive:  

Description: Transform into a fiery phoenix and dive through the air, leaving a trail of fire in your wake and damaging enemies below.

23. Fire Elemental Ally:  

Description: Summon a loyal fire elemental to assist you in battle, delivering fiery attacks or creating zones of intense heat.

24. Flame Burst:  

Description: Trigger a sudden burst of flames around you, damaging and burning nearby enemies while providing a brief moment of protection.

25. Pyroclastic Flow:  

Description: Channel the raw power of volcanic eruptions, creating a fiery flow of molten lava that moves forward, engulfing and damaging all in its path.

26. Emberstorm:  

Description: Conjure a powerful emberstorm that rains down flaming projectiles, causing fiery explosions over a wide area.

27. Magma Armor:  

Description: Surround yourself with molten magma, becoming immune to fire damage while damaging and burning nearby attackers.

28. Flame Trap:  

Description: Set fiery traps that explode when triggered, dealing fire damage and setting enemies ablaze.

29. Firebrand:  

Description: Infuse your weapon with the essence of fire, granting additional fire damage and a chance to ignite foes with each strike.

30. Searing Orb:  

Description: Create a searing orb of fire that hovers over the battlefield, periodically releasing bursts of flames to damage and burn enemies below.

31. Incendiary Grenade:  

Description: Throw a grenade that explodes in a fiery blaze, causing area damage and setting all caught in the blast on fire.

32. Flame Surge:  

Description: Surge forward in a fiery explosion, leaving a trail of flames and burning all enemies in your path.

33. Fire Tornado:  

Description: Summon a raging tornado of fire that engulfs and damages all enemies within its vortex.

34. Blazing Barrier:  

Description: Create an impassable wall of roaring flames, blocking enemy movements and damaging those who come into contact with it.

35. Ember Elemental Transformation:  

Description: Transform into an elemental of pure ember, radiating intense heat and dealing burning damage to all nearby enemies.

36. Fire Mastery:  

Description: Attain mastery over fire magic, reducing cooldowns and increasing the potency of your fiery spells.

작가의 이전글 Practice #6
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