
You can make anything
by writing


by Yenn Shim Sep 04. 2023

Practice #9

Fake in-game skills (Dark magic)

1. Shadow Bolt:  

Description: Cast a bolt of dark energy at a target, dealing moderate shadow damage on impact.

2. Void Cloak:  

Description: Envelop yourself in shadowy darkness, becoming partially invisible and reducing the chance of being detected by enemies.

3. Dark Embrace:  

Description: Channel the power of darkness to restore health over time, feeding on the shadows that surround you.

4. Nightshade Strike:  

Description: Infuse your weapon with shadow energy and strike the target, dealing extra shadow damage and potentially inflicting debuffs.

5. Umbral Rift:  

Description: Open a rift to the shadow realm, releasing a wave of shadowy energy that damages and slows enemies in its path.

6. Shadow Step:  

Description: Step into the shadows and reappear at a target location, allowing for quick repositioning and surprise attacks.

7. Cursed Grasp:  

Description: Extend your hand to grasp an enemy, inflicting a curse that damages them over time and weakens their abilities.

8. Shadowform:  

Description: Transform into a shadowy being, gaining increased movement speed and immunity to physical damage for a limited duration.

9. Shadow Manipulation:  

Description: Gain the ability to manipulate shadows in various forms, such as creating illusions, concealing yourself, or obscuring the vision of enemies.

10. Abyssal Strike: 

- Description: Charge your weapon with the abyssal darkness, unleashing a devastating strike that deals massive shadow damage.

11. Dark Vortex: 

- Description: Summon a swirling vortex of darkness that pulls in and damages enemies, keeping them trapped in the shadowy maelstrom.

12. Necrotic Drain: 

- Description: Drain the life force of enemies by siphoning their vitality, replenishing your health and mana with each successful attack.

13. Enshadowed Aura: 

- Description: Emit an aura of darkness that damages nearby enemies over time and conceals you from view when standing still.

14. Umbral Veil: 

- Description: Shroud yourself in an impenetrable umbral veil, rendering you invisible and immune to all damage for a brief duration.

15. Shadow Elemental Transformation:

- Description: Transform into a shadow elemental, gaining control over shadows and the ability to traverse through darkness with ease.

16. Curse of Desolation: 

- Description: Cast a curse upon your enemies, reducing their effectiveness in combat and causing them to take increased shadow damage.

17. Voidmancer's Mastery: 

- Description: Attain mastery over dark magic, reducing cooldowns and increasing the potency of your shadowy spells.

18. Dark Pact: 

- Description: Make a pact with the darkness, temporarily enhancing your shadow abilities with increased damage and area of effect.

19. Umbral Shroud:  

Description: Conjure a swirling shroud of darkness around yourself, reducing incoming damage and providing concealment.

20. Shadow Swarm:  

Description: Transform into a swarm of shadowy entities, moving swiftly through the battlefield and damaging enemies in your path.

21. Curse of the Void:  

Description: Cast a devastating curse that plunges the target into darkness, causing them to take continuous shadow damage and reducing their accuracy.

22. Soul Siphon:  

Description: Channel dark energy to drain the souls of nearby enemies, replenishing your health and increasing your own shadow power.

23. Nightfallen Blades:  

Description: Infuse your blades with the power of the nightfall, granting bonus shadow damage and a chance to afflict enemies with blindness or fear.

24. Shadow Veil:  

Description: Conceal yourself within a deep shadowy veil, becoming invisible to enemies and remaining hidden even while moving.

25. Dark Ritual:  

Description: Perform a dark ritual to sacrifice health in exchange for a surge of shadow power, enhancing your abilities for a limited time.

26. Shroud of Despair:  

Description: Cast a shroud of despair that blankets the battlefield, reducing the morale and effectiveness of enemies while boosting your shadow-based abilities.

27. Void Rift:  

Description: Tear open a rift to the void, releasing tendrils of shadow that ensnare and damage nearby enemies, keeping them tethered to the darkness.

28. Abyssal Grasp:  

Description: Extend your grasp into the abyss, reaching out to immobilize and deal ongoing shadow damage to a single target.

29. Shadowmeld:  

Description: Meld into the shadows, becoming completely invisible to enemies for a brief duration, allowing for strategic repositioning or ambush.

30. Shadow Walk:  

Description: Walk through shadows to traverse great distances quickly, bypass obstacles, and approach enemies unnoticed.

31. Cursed Ground:  

Description: Taint the ground with dark energy, creating cursed terrain that damages and debilitates enemies who enter it.

32. Nightshade Evasion:  

Description: Embrace the essence of the nightshade, becoming elusive and evading enemy attacks with increased agility.

33. Oblivion Bolt:  

Description: Hurl a bolt of pure oblivion at a target, dealing massive shadow damage and potentially erasing them from existence.

34. Abyssal Mastery:  

Description: Attain mastery over the abyss, reducing cooldowns and increasing the potency of your shadow abilities.

35. Shadowform Ascendance:  

Description: Ascend into an even more potent form of shadow, granting enhanced abilities, additional resistances, and shadow-based enhancements.

작가의 이전글 Practice #8
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