
You can make anything
by writing


by 오권 Feb 24. 2019

토플 롸이팅 샘플1

매일 하나의 토픽에 20분 글쓰기 연습

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

 It is always a dilemma whether we should enjoy what we have at the moment or save it for the future. Money is definitely the key factor that differenciates our living conditions based on what our philosophy is on money spending. Some think that it is better to save money for some time in the future. I challenge that for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

 To start with, there is no such a thing like the better age to determine what the good spending for ourselves is. Many think that young people can not see real value on things that they buy due to their lack of experience and worldliness and also these youngsters end up spending their money on something useless, then later when they really need money something important like their colloge tuitions, they regret not having enough money. However, even if young teens splurge their money on video games and comic books which they will be sick of soon, those joy when they are fully into can't be price-tagged. How can you say to them like " You just wasted your money." because of the fact that they will never use those gimmicks again. The interests are gone but the fun experience they would cherish stays and lingers, which can't be bought even with tons of money later.

Life is not all about how we efficiently save the money and spend it on what it practically matters.

What makes you truly smile and your heart pump, something that you can reminicse matters.

 Moreover, life span these days gets longer and longer which means we all might live until the age we can't even imagine. Because of this particular reason, people are inclined to save money whenever they can. But, that fear brought by the unexpectedness of life plays the role of the reason why you should spend your money now rather than sacrificing your present indulgence. We never know what will happen if we are ever going be hospitalized then financially burdened but same time we might die any time soon not being able to spend all the money we have been saving. I have read this story about an old woman whose life has been all about working hard and frugally saving money for the future. She is now regretful that she didn't do what she should have done when she was younger. With all the money she has, she can do whatever she wants now but she has already missed out the age that she can vigorously adventure the world. 

 In conclusion, I believe that it is better to spend it right away rather than to save money for the future.  I feel this way because we gain the priceless experiences that consist our life beautifully not to regret about our irreversible past by doing it

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