
You can make anything
by writing


by 오권 Feb 25. 2019

토플 롸이팅 샘플 2

매일 하나의 토픽에 20분 글쓰기 연습


People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

The word, Work, like any other English vocabularies, has such a wide range of meanings. Among all, we generally define it to mean the activity that you do to earn money for living and tend to think that we go to work solely for making money. But I beg to differ. Our work is not only for money but also for our self-esteem, validation, and furthermore greater contribution to the world. 

By having a job, searching for a validation and striving to gain it throughout our life time is meaningfully as important as making money to pay our bills.

Those everyday's persperations will consequently shape you as a grownup individual who can serve her own purpose until the end. I have seen so many cases where rich people who don't need to work and lucky people who have won the lottery often feel depressed and lost. All the money they have, which the others dreams of, interestingly dissatisfies the rich and makes them feel not content. 

That's because the possession will allow you to have a comfortable life but concorrently bring the emptiness to their lives without work.

To add on the reason, work is needed for us to improve ourselves and the world we live in. By contributing our talent on something that we are passionate about, we, as a member of society, leave a valuable legacy to the community to make it better place to live. Whatever the work we have, we are going to fill our days to figure out how we can make this more efficient, faster and cooler, it will play as a stimulus bringing any kind of changes somehow. 

Started working as an English instructor for day job, I honestly took the job because of money, but as I spent my time studying and sharpening my teaching skills, my students learned so much stuff that actually helped them to speak better and to gain the target score on their test. Furthermore, they changed their way of studying the language and the institution in which I was working for provided me with the oppotunity to make a speach to other branch's intructors so that they could learn my know-how. Though my ultimate goal is to a successful filmmaker, surprisingly I became pond of what I did at that time. This tremendously great feeling that I have changed something for good was truly rewarding.

In conclustion, money is one of essential factors that makes people go to work but not the only reason. There are so many other reasons why people work in order to fullfill their lives with more diverse experiences, struggling, exploring, studying, succeeding and failing. 

Life without jobs will be mundane.


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