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You can make anything
by writing


by 브리 Jun 23. 2024

23 June 2024

First week in Australia

Today was a quite good day. I spent time studying in my college library. At first, I went to another library. However, I didn't check the library timetable. So, I moved to my college library to review week 1 studies. And I thought again. I prefer to live alone over hanging out with other friends. I already knew my traits well because I like to focus on myself, like hearing my voice. 

I know that I love nature, animals, and tranquility. This is why I always find libraries. Anyway, I am trying to enjoy this journey and study in Australia. Of course, it's not easy to adapt to new places, cultures, and people, but I believe that it would be fun on the other side. 

매거진의 이전글 2024. 06. 11 화
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