
You can make anything
by writing


by Peter Jeong Apr 03. 2017

[영어뉴스] 여성과 가정폭력 처벌의 미래

seeing what’s in front of us...

기사 이미지:


Although the right of women has made huge strides in many fields, still there are room for improvement. One of them is the domestic abuse. From the view in future, the inccidents about women who were killed by partners and ex-partners may be regarded as a man-made disaster.


suspended sentence: 집행유예

mitigating factors: 정상 참작 요인

A court let off a man who had beaten his wife with a cricket bat and forced  her to drink bleach with a suspended sentence, citing his possible future employment among mitigating factors.

judiciary: the system of courts of justice in a country

The police and judiciary have made real strides in tackiling violence against women.

domestic abuse: domestic violence.

They say domestic abuse should be punished more severely than attacks on strangers because offence are rarely one-off, are likely to become more frequent and serious.

leniency: forbearance / mercy / tolerance / charity

unduly: excessively / extremely / overly / immersely

The office has shown itself unwilling to intervene even when there is a clear pattern of leniency and many of the offences which arise in such cases are not among those which can be reviewed for unduly lenient sentencing.


She noted recently that familiar things can become invisible.

Most politicians had opposed or shown no interest in reform and their obstruction drove women towards militancy.

Ms Solnit posed a question of her own in her interview.

It reflects prejudices deeply embedded in our society.

They say domestic abuse should be punished more severely than attacks on strangers because offence are rarely one-off, are likely to become more frequent and serious.

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