
You can make anything
by writing


by PaulnJoseph Jul 16. 2023

미래 도시의 장례식과 모빌리티

 Death and the city: The future is now

현재 아티클은 도시 안에서의 죽음에 대한 프로젝트 등을 하고 있는 SIM Eternal Studio가 BigĊ 빅씨닷 의 C is a conerstone 이라는 월간 뉴스레터에 발행했던 것을 브런치에 옮겨 온 것이다.

장지 및 죽음 관련 시설들이 점점 부족해지는 배경과 기후 변화로 인해 잠겨지고 있는 도시의 대안 계획으로 제시되고 있는 Floating city 에서의 장례식과 장지 그리고 추모등의 경험을 모빌리티를 기반으로 하는 혁신으로서 접근하고 있는 스토리텔링으로서 현재 미래 도시 안에서의 모빌리티가 적극적으로 활용될 경우와 프론티어 테크놀로지가 쓰이게 되면서 약 2,000년간 바뀌지 않앗던 죽음과 관련된 경험과 절차, 심지어는 죽음 관련된 산업까지도 급격한 변화를 가져오게 될 상황에 마주치고 있다. 사실, 현재 다양한 분야에서 기후 변화, 노령화, 인구 감소 등의 대책을 논의하고 있지만 정작 우리가 반드시 마주치게 되어 있는 죽음이라는 영역은 많은 경우에 스토리텔링 및 적극적인 절차를 마련하고 있지 못한 상태이지만 또 다른 한편으로는 이 분야를 적극적으로 개척해 나간다면 다양한 영역에서의 혁신 및 비즈니스로서의 잠재성도 대단하다고 이야기할 수 있다. 

적극적으로 뉴욕에 있는 SIM Eternal Studio의 프로젝트를 소개할 예정이며 다음 주제로는 Emmersive Content와 Death라는 주제가 예정되어 있다고 한다. 

This month's C is "Ceremony", "City" and "Car". This letter is written based on Death And The City - Future is now Series provided by SIM Eternal Studio

This article is presented about the future of storytelling about funeral ceremonies involves the utilization of purpose-based vehicles and the design of new ceremonies using frontier technology.

The issue of limited burial space in urban landscapes is becoming increasingly prevalent, compounded by the challenges posed by climate change. As a result, innovative funeral ceremonies have emerged as a way to redefine tradition while addressing these constraints. One such innovation is the use of purpose-based vehicles, which are designed to provide serene spaces for paying respects to the departed. These vehicles are often customized to reflect the unique character of the individual being honored, providing a more personal and meaningful experience for mourners. By embracing mobile funeral ceremonies, we can adapt to the changing needs of our urban environments while still upholding the importance of honoring those who have passed away.

SIM eternal studio imagined the vehicle for the future funeral cemetery

These vehicles provide serene spaces for paying respects, offering a personalized and meaningful experience for mourners. By embracing mobile funeral ceremonies, we can adapt to the changing needs of our urban environments while upholding the importance of honoring those who have passed away.

The Challenge of Limited Burial Space and climate change

As cities continue to grow, the availability of burial space becomes increasingly limited. Traditional cemeteries often struggle to accommodate the rising number of deceased individuals, leading to overcrowding and limited options for families. Furthermore, environmental concerns and the impact of climate change necessitate the exploration of alternative funeral practices.

In addition to the aforementioned consequences of climate change, such as extreme weather patterns and melting ice caps, it is important to also consider the impact on coastal cities. As the planet continues to warm, sea levels are rising, which can lead to the gradual sinking of cities located near the coast. To combat this issue, some urban planners and cities have proposed the idea of floating cities as an alternative to traditional sinking cities. While this could potentially be a solution, it is important to note that many future city plans do not yet take into account the need for burial spaces and funeral ceremony spaces in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event. This is an important aspect to consider when designing and planning for the cities of the future.

Floating city connected with the traditioinal city

Innovative Funeral Ceremonies

Recognizing the need for change, funeral ceremonies have undergone a transformation, incorporating frontier technology to address these challenges. Purpose-based vehicles have emerged as a novel concept that not only offers a solution to limited burial space but also redefines the funeral experience.

Serene Spaces for Paying Respects

Purpose-based vehicles are designed to serve as mobile funeral spaces, allowing mourners to pay their respects in a serene and personalized environment. These vehicles are thoughtfully customized to reflect the unique character, preferences, and memories of the individual being honored. By creating a more intimate setting, mourners can connect with the departed on a deeper level, fostering a more meaningful and personal experience.

Personalization and Meaning

In the past, funeral ceremonies often adhered to a standardized format, leaving little room for personalization. However, purpose-based vehicles allow for a departure from convention, encouraging families to create a funeral experience that truly reflects the life and passions of their loved ones. These vehicles can be customized with photographs, mementos, and decorations that evoke cherished memories and celebrate the individuality of the departed with frontier technology like interactive screen, the digital contents about those who passed away, the voice clone learned with A.I.

Adaptability to Urban Environments

Urban environments demand adaptable solutions, and purpose-based vehicles offer just that. These vehicles can navigate the challenges of city spaces, providing funeral services where traditional cemeteries may be limited or unavailable. By embracing mobility, funeral ceremonies can take place in meaningful locations that hold significance to the deceased and their families, enabling a more profound connection to their urban surroundings.

Environmental Considerations

Climate change has prompted a shift towards more sustainable practices in all aspects of life, including funeral ceremonies. Purpose-based vehicles offer an opportunity to reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional burials. By minimizing land use and the resources required for cemetery maintenance, these mobile funeral spaces contribute to a more sustainable approach to honoring the departed.


The future of funeral ceremonies lies in embracing innovation and frontier technology to overcome the challenges posed by limited burial space in urban landscapes. Purpose-based vehicles provide a forward-thinking solution, creating serene spaces for mourners to pay their respects while adapting to the changing needs of our urban environments. By personalizing these vehicles and embracing mobility, funeral ceremonies can become more meaningful, allowing families to celebrate the unique lives of their loved ones. As we move forward, it is essential to recognize the importance of honoring those who have passed away while also embracing the possibilities presented by frontier technology in redefining tradition.

SIM Eternal Studio creates various projects related to death in the fields of art, culture, and industry, and reinterprets death through borderless collaborative methods with creators, creative technologists, researchers, designers, business professionals, etc. from all over the world.

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