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by 민지냥 Jul 25. 2017

Tibet's Protest against China

Tibet and China are still under debate

 이번 주제 역시 방대한 양 때문인지 쉽지 않았습니다. 단순히 어떤 사건에 대해서 조망하는 게 아니고, 티벳이라는 지역에 대해서 전체적으로 이해를 해야했기에 이것 저것 찾아보느라 시간도 많이 걸렸어요. 처음에는 7월 둘째주 기사를 꼽았다가 글이 너무 어렵고 그 글 한 꼭지만으로 이해가 되지 않아 예전 기사를 인용하게 되었네요 (최근 기사 링크: reference 2 참조)

 친구에게 몇 가지 과정들 물어보는 과정에서 티벳과 중국의 관계가 역사적, 정치적, 경제적으로 이렇게 많은 마찰과 스토리가 있을 줄은 몰랐습니다. 하단에 함께 첨부한 기사들 같이 읽어보시면 이해가 되실 거예요.

기본적인 글의 흐름은:

'티벳에 대한 나의 첫인상/기사에서 꼽아본 3개의 대표 문장들 분석/모르는 단어의 영영 정리 및 예문/정리 글 또는 총평/이해 위해 참고한 다른 영어 기사들 또는 링크' 입니다


China resettles two million Tibetans, says Human Rights Watch

The original article from BBC News:


I’ve never known Tibet is the part of Mainland, China before my Chinese friend let me know he doesn’t need to get any visa for travelling Tibet.

Many people who are free soul to travel around the world regards Tibet area as the best place for the trip. Some of travellers realised how complicated the issue is between China and Tibet and support the independence for Tibet. This issue is not simple as being economic, and as historical and historical, either.


                                          <티벳 자치구 지역인 Qinghai province>


"The new personnel stationed in these villages have been instructed to eat, live and work with the villagers and that includes monitoring their political opinions and identifying whose loyalty to the Party or the government is questionable.

(군대의)인원들은/이 마을에 주둔하는/명령을 받았다/마을 주민들과 먹고 살고 함께 일하라고/그리고 그것은 지켜보는 것을 포함한다/그들의 정치적인 견해를/그리고 누구의 충성심이 /당이나 정부에 대해 미심쩍은지를/확인하는 것 역시(포함한다)

1)That includes monitoring sth + identifying sth "그것은 포함한다/지켜보는 것을~/확인하는 것을~"

'That'은 여기서 군인들이 명령을 받은 사건 전체를 의미하므로 뒤의 include동사에 s가 붙은 것.

2) identifying whose loyalty (to the Party or the government) is questionable

영어문장이 길때는 ~에게,~로 같은 부사구들을 (괄호)로 묶어서 큰 덩어리를 보는 것이 습관이 되면 긴 문장도 보기가 편해진다. 주로 '~에게' 같은 부사어구들은 해석하지 않아도 상관없다. 


In response, the Chinese government has tightened surveillance over the entire Tibetan plateau. In cities, the authorities appear to be keeping tabs on potential troublemakers by dividing each neighbourhood along a grid system.

거기에 대한 반응으로/중국 정부는 규제를 강화했다/티베트 초원 전체에 대한/도시의 지방 정부는/~인 것 같다/감시하다/잠재적인 문제자들에 대해서/각 이웃들을 나눔으로써/권역에 따라서

앞에 내용은 'However, tensions remain. In the past four years, at least 117 Tibetans have set themselves on fire to protest at Chinese government rule, resulting in 90 deaths.

Many Tibetans resent the influx of Han Chinese into Tibet and the Communist Party's restrictions on their religious freedoms.' 이부분으로, 

중국당국에 대한 저항과 티벳의 독립을 위해 분신자살을 한 사건들.. 특히나 종교적 자유를 억압하는 중국 당국에 많은 티벳인들이 분노하고 있다는 점. 이 반응에 대해 중국 공산당들은 이웃마저도 서로 감시하게 만들어서 규제를 더욱 강화했다는 거죠.

                               <Dalai Lama, spiritual human being for Tibetan Buddhists>

*I was very curious about thie sentence 'Tibetans have themselves on fire', so found one article from google that is related to protest against Chinese government.

Titled_Special Report: The mother who burned herself to death for Tibet 

(A link you must feel interested :


Still, it is far from clear whether an experimental policy is under way. And some analysts say that, if true, it may simply because the authorities had failed to stamp out worship of the Dalai Lama and use of his image in monasteries.

아직도/명확하지 않다(명확함과는 거리가 멀다)/이런 실험적인 정책이 진행중인지 아닌지/몇 전문가들이 말하기를/ 만약 그것이 진짜라면 (it is 생략)/그것은 아마도 단순히 지방정부가 실패했기 때문일 것인다/짓밟으려는 것을/달라이 라마에 대한 찬양과/수도원에 걸린 그의 사진의 사용을



:an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it


2_surveillance (over) *synonym observation

:the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed 

ex)The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance.


3_keep tab on 

(주의하다, 감시하다)

4_ stamp out  *synonym eliminate

:to get rid of something that is bad, unpleasant or dangerous, especially by using force or a lot of effort

ex) to stamp out racism

(없애다, 밟다)

5_autonomous *synonym independent 

:(of a country, a region or an organization) able to govern itself or control its own affairs

ex1) so-called autonomous republics based on ethnic lines

ex2) autonomous learning to acquire new or updated capabilities

(자치적인, 자동의)


(of people or animals) that stay and live in the same place or area

ex) a sedentary population

(한 곳에 머무르는, 정주하는)

7_ exile

the state of being sent to live in another country that is not your own, especially for political reasons or as a punishment



:to use power or influence to affect somebody/something

ex)He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan.

(권력을 가하다)


the act of forcing somebody to leave a house or land, especially when you have the legal right to do so



*Last comments

:As the one who loves China so much, all these materials written about 'conflict' between China and Tibet made me feel little bit down. But it also gave me a chance to see China with an objective point of view. China that has enormous power all over the world such as South Asia, Africa, Europe.. is reponsible for being rational and reasonable to be the one. we will see how it can resolve this cautious friction well.

*Human Rights Watch: Human Rights Watch is a nonprofit, nongovernmental human rights organization made up of roughly 400 staff members around the globe. (


Titled  Truth versus China says

:Very interesting article. Stronly recommed to read this when you are free! A organization named Free Tibet uploaded this articles, and you can hear historical stories from the writing. I came to know about why  Tibetan people are under the controversial all the time.

Reference 2

The article I found it recently:


**From last writing, I thought 'proper' means 'property'. But seems this word 'proper' has this meaning like below.

*proper:a special office or special parts of an office appointed for a particular day or time

The End_이번 글 역시 제가 지식적으로나 언어적으로 많이 모자란 걸 느끼게 해주네요.. 피드백과 수정사항 언제든 환영합니다!  See u next next time :) 

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