
You can make anything
by writing


by Jamie Sep 22. 2023


I began to believe that I could find a better way and a better life to be myslef.

Also, I began to cnsider the resentful sentiment that I had, 

Also, I began to consider the emotion that I had, which is that I do not want to pursue the job I have.

Why do I want to leave this so-called-cool-job? One rason could be the poshness of the art scene. I began to believe that there is no power in art  to change the world-of course in a positive way. To me, art is just another form of bluffing enjoyed bt the wealthy. Of course, everyone says that the divide between art specialists and the general public is disappearing and that art is becoming more popular, nut I have to admit that none of this is true. We, the art scene, see and write about the types of exhibitions that others find difficult to find. We are. 

Well the masses would think that they are enjoying the exact exhibitions that the art specialists do, but sorry to say you don't.

I'm not sure. Is this another way of thinking that I just want to despise the wealthy? Actually, it won't bother me if there is a distinction btw you and us. Why cann't I just be happy to be in this group, to enjoy the translucent glass between the masses, and to be grateful for the education I recieved?

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