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by 김해보 Nov 12. 2023

C-lobalization platform

for inter-city cultural collaboration

C-lobalization platform for inter-city cultural collaboration

– case of joint research projects by the Regional Culture Policy Institute of The National Assembly of Foundations for Arts & Culture

discussion at Busan Culture Conference (2023.10.13)



So, what does it mean to be "global"? I think that 'being global' is a state where an entity possesses the power to influence others to emulate it, ultimately leading to a convergence of similarity like it.

In order to thrive in the global market on a worldwide scale, adherence to “global standards” is imperative.

Such changes driven by an undeniable force can be described as “Coercive Isomorphism”.

On the other hand, presenting values that many global citizens living in the same era share and aspire to is also a "global" state. Becoming similar in pursuit of shared norms among expert groups is referred as "normative isomorphism." Therefore, by appropriately presenting contemporary cultural values that make other cities aspire to emulate them as "normative isomorphism," we can say that a global cultural city has acquired cultural power. Busan has advocated "Peace through Culture" as a shared contemporary value through the UNESCO Forum, and I believe it is a sufficiently substantial global value that can be embraced collectively with other cities. 


The platform that facilitates such "C-lobalization" among cities are so valuable. These platforms should not only highlight and preserve the "L" (locality) of individual cities that aspire to become global cultural cities but also create and share a "G" (globality) that enables effective communication among them. I believe that the World Cities Culture Forum (WCCF) is a representative case of C-lobalization platform. I think this policy platform can be sustained because it shares "other city's case" from overseas as only an example of implementing contemporary "global value" according to their own context, but does not impose it as a "global trend" or further "universal value" that everyone should adhere to. This is the "C-lobal policy attitude" that can maintain not only "diversity of culture" but also "diversity of cultural policy." It is an approach that does not inject global or centralized policy principles into local cases, but rather reflects cases of local practices to change central, global policy principles.


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