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by 하늘바람 Dec 25. 2024

민영- (minyeong-)

Basic Meaning:

private management/operation (as opposed to government/public operation)

Detailed Meanings:

- Indicates that something is privately operated rather than state-run

- Used to describe businesses or institutions managed by private citizens or corporations

- Implies operation independent of direct government control

- Often used in contrast with terms like 공영- (public) or 국영- (state-run)

Example Usage:

1. 이 방송국은 민영방송입니다

   → This is a privately operated broadcasting station

2. 정부는 이 기업을 민영화하기로 결정했다

   → The government decided to privatize this company

3. 민영보험에 가입하려고 해요

   → I'm planning to subscribe to private insurance

Related Words:

- 공영-: publicly operated/managed

- 국영-: state-operated

- 민간-: private sector (similar meaning but broader usage)

Usage Level: Common (일상적), Technical (전문적)

Cultural Notes:

- Reflects Korea's mixed economy system where both public and private sectors play important roles

- Often appears in discussions about privatization of public services

- Frequently used in economic and political discourse

Grammar Notes:

- Combines with nouns to form compound words

- Cannot be used independently

- Common combinations include:

  - 민영화 (privatization)

  - 민영기업 (private enterprise)

  - 민영은행 (private bank)

Common Compound Words:

- 민영화: privatization

- 민영방송: private broadcasting

- 민영학교: private school

- 민영보험: private insurance

- 민영철도: private railway

Technical Context:

- Frequently used in business, economics, and policy discussions

- Important term in discussions of economic reform and privatization

- Key concept in understanding Korean business structure


- 공영- (public operation)

- 국영- (state operation)

- 공공- (public)

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