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by Lois Kim 정김경숙 Apr 26. 2024

Layoff 와 fire 차이

구글임원에서 실리콘밸리 알바생이 되었습니다


이전 포스팅에서 말씀드렸는데, 최근 [구글임원에서 실리콘밸리 알바생이 되었습니다] 을 냈습니다. 저의 구글에서의 정리해고와 그 이후 갭이어 얘기를 다른 책입니다. 

많은 분들과 얘기 나눌 기회를 얻으면서 알게 된 사실이, 영어에서는 완전히 다르게 쓰는 Layoff 와 fire을 잘 모르시는 분들도 있다는 것이었습니다. 

미국 직장인중 2명중 1명 꼴로 경험할 정도로 흔한 layoff는 경기 상황이 안좋거나 회사 사정이 안좋아 구조조정을 하게되면서 직원을 내보내는 것, 즉 정리해고를 말합니다. 이것은 직원의 성과와는 상관이 없구요. 그래서 layoff를 이력서에 투명하게 표시합니다. 반면에 fire은 직원 본의의 귀책사유로 회사가 직원을 내보내는 것, 해고 혹은 파면 등을 말합니다. 

그래서 이참에,영어 표현을 알아보겠습니다. lay off, let go, forlough(요건 약간 영국식영어) 는 구조조정에 의한 정리해고로 사용되고, 좀더 부드럽게는 impacted/affected 단어로도 사용할 수 있습니다.

좀더 인포멀한 자리(친구들과의 자리)에서 우리도 "짤렸어" 라는 표현을 쓰는 것처럼, 슬랭 표현도 있는데요. sacked/canned 입니다. 이건 미드를 보다보면 자주 나오더라구요. 

또 회사들이 엄청난 인원을 구조조정할때 ax, slashed 잘라내다/쳐내다, 라는 단어도 사용됩니다. 아래에서 영어 설명과 예문을 한번 보겠습니다.

이젠 좀 정리가 된것 같지 않나요? ^^

참,  [구글임원에서 실리콘밸리 알바생이 되었습니다] 책, 많이 봐주세요~~

영어 설명 - 이렇게 영어로 작문해보는 것도 영어 쓰기에 도움된답니다!

Layoff vs. Fire

According to some research, layoffs are quite common in the US. In order to keep up with their growth and efficiency in highly competitive market situations, companies continuously hire, restructure, lay off and hire again. As much as 45% of professionals in the country have experienced layoffs in their careers. In fact, many of them have been laid off more than once. 

As a person who was laid off in 2023, I have encountered a lot of layoff-related news every day whether I wanted to or not. Today, I’d like to talk about the terminology regarding layoffs. I have used and heard many different expressions to describe layoffs — some are straightforward and direct while others are less direct and even euphemistic. People try to use less direct expressions because layoffs are a painful and emotional life moment to those who are affected.

First of all, I’d like to distinguish between “being laid off” and  “being fired”. 

While both "being laid off" and "being fired" involve the termination of employment, they differ in crucial ways:  

    Laid Off: Typically occurs due to reasons beyond the employee's control, such as economic factors or company restructuring. It does not imply any fault or wrongdoing on the part of the employee.

Fired: Involves the termination of employment due to reasons related to the employee's performance, behavior, or violation of company policies. Being fired often implies accountability or fault on the part of the employee.

Alternative Expressions for Being Laid Off:

Let go: Similar to being laid off, this expression suggests the termination of employment, often due to organizational reasons rather than performance issues.


"Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, several employees were let go from the company."

"Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, the company decided to let go of 10% of their employees.”

Impacted/Affected: These terms emphasize the broader impact on employees affected by layoffs or downsizing efforts.


"The workforce reduction plan has impacted many employees across various departments.”

“I was impacted by the massive layoffs that inundated most tech companies in Silicon Valley in 2022~23.

Furloughed: These terms emphasize the broader impact on employees affected by layoffs or downsizing efforts.  발음은 FUR lohd  = laid off  (British)


“Additional 10,000 people at Google have been furloughed in 2024 following the first massive layoffs in 2023. “


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