
You can make anything
by writing


by 리무탄 May 29. 2024

April 06, 2024

# 자신과의 싸움, 영어

A: Do you have anything in particular you'd like for dinner?

B: I'd love that whole chicken in a soup, it's Korean style. That's delicious.

A: OK. I'm not certain I can find that restaurant again, though.

B: I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. But, I'm not sure I can take hot food because it is getting hotter.

A: I love the Korean noodles in cold water.

B: To cool off, OK! Let's have that one.

1. in particular

- In particular, I like the sirloin steak.

- Did you find anything in particular?

- Are you doing anything in particular tonight?

2. be not certain

- It is not certain if they can stay under budget.

- We are not certain about the new policy.

- I am not certain whether I will pass the test.

작가의 이전글 2024年5月27日
작품 선택
키워드 선택 0 / 3 0
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