
You can make anything
by writing


by 리무탄 May 30. 2024

April 08, 2024

# 자신과의 싸움, 영어

A: Wow. You have a lot of stuff!

B: I know. I collect jazz records.

A: How many do you have?

B: Over 1,000!

A: Where do you find them all?

B: Well, I spend my free time searching second-hand record shops. Classic LP records can be worth a lot of money.

1. Over ~

- The bakery sold over fifty croissants before noon.

- The team scored over ten goals in the match.

2. worth a lot of money

- The old comic book you have could be worth a lot of money.

- Vintage items can be worth a lot of money.

작가의 이전글 2024年5月29日
작품 선택
키워드 선택 0 / 3 0
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