
You can make anything
by writing


by Sensewick magazine Dec 06. 2023

박학한 감각으로 위험을 감지하고 이를 완화시키다.

연결고리 만들기

referenced from Naver dictionary, and Chat gpt.

어휘를 이해하기 위해서는 "맥락"을 함께 암기해야 제대로 이해할 수 있다고 생각한다. 오늘은 아래와 같은 단어들을 이해해 볼 예정이다.

"박학한 감각으로 위험을 감지하고 이를 완화시키시키다"

윗 문장이 아래의 단어들을 하나로 묶고 있다. 아래 단어들의 맥락인 것이다.

자, 이제부터 하나씩 살펴보고 분석해보자. 

[1] erudite


a. having or showing profound knowledge          

The adjective "erudite" refers to someone who has or shows great knowledge, learning, or scholarship. An erudite person is typically well-educated, knowledgeable in various subjects, and often demonstrates intellectual depth and sophistication in their understanding of complex topics.          

(erudite vs well educated)

"erudite" suggests a broader and more profound intellectual knowledge, while "well-educated" is a broader term that can encompass various levels and types of education. An erudite person is often considered well-educated, but the reverse may not always be true.


He proved to be an energetic, enthusiastic and erudite guide, rather like his tweets.          

Without fail we take erudite and grown up writers and turn them into young children again.   

I was surprised at how erudite she is.          

He produced an erudite exposition of how life was in the 1960s and 1970s.          


형용사 "erudite"는 '학식있는, 박학한'이라는 뜻을 가지고 있다. 단순히 똑똑하고 공부를 잘하고 머리가 좋은 차원이 아니라 학문에 "깊이"가 더해진 뉘앙스를 가진 형용사. 이 부분에서 'well-educated'랑 비슷하다. 정리하면 erudite한 사람이 well-educated한 사람으로 간주될 수 있지만 well-educated한 사람이 꼭 erudite한 사람은 아닌 것.

[2] sabotage


n. a deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged          

v. destroy property or hinder normal operations          

"Sabotage" is a noun and a verb that refers to the deliberate act of causing damage, disruption, or interference with a system, process, organization, or effort. It can involve destructive actions or intentional undermining of activities with the aim of hindering or preventing their success. Sabotage is often associated with clandestine or subversive activities carried out to weaken or disrupt the functioning of something, whether it's a project, plan, machinery, or any other organized effort. The term is commonly used in the context of warfare, politics, industry, or any situation where one party seeks to undermine the efforts of another.          


Low self-esteem and negative emotions lead people to self-sabotage          

"What the hell, you trying to sabotage the company? Thhat stuff wouldn't work in a millions  years. It's remover, concentrated remover! Don't you know the difference?"          

What little sleep I got was sabotaged by a familiar nightmare, one which I wander through a  stinking, body-strewn battlefield.          

They use technology to spy on her and sabotage one another.           


sabotage는 체제(시스템), 과정, 조직, 노력등에 대해 의도적으로 간섭을 하는 행위를 뜻하는 단어로 명사,동사로 쓰임. 혹은 비밀리에 음모를 꾸미는 뉘앙스일때도 쓸 수 있는 단어. 한국어로 단어 뜻을 정의하면 '(의도적으로) 방해/방해하다"로 번역하는게 적합함. 

[3] at stake


ad. to be won or lost;  at risk          

ad. in question or at issue          

The phrase "at stake" is an idiomatic expression that is used to convey that something important or valuable is in jeopardy or at risk of being lost. When a situation, outcome, or consequence is described as being "at stake," it means that there are potential negative consequences or significant implications if a particular action or decision is not handled carefully or if things do not go as planned. In essence, the phrase suggests that there is something of value or significance that hangs in the balance and is under threat.          


 French president said the future of the planet and the future of like are at stake.          

 But perhaps an even greater principle was at stake Bateson realized.          

 He could his pride if that was what he thought was at stake.           


중요하고 가치있는 것/상황이 위태롭고, 위험에 처해있을 때 쓰는 idiom(관용구)이다. 상황이 계획대로 되지 않아서 초래될 부정적인 상황에 처해있는 말을 뜻하는 것. 내가 이 단어를 알게된 상황이 웃긴데 넷플릭스에서 한 영화를 보다가 이러한 장면을 발견. 

한 여성이 동료들을 구하려고 비행기를 급하게 구하는 장면이었다. 비행기를 구해야 하는 급박한 상황에서 비행기가 구해지지 않자 이 여성은 해당 직원에게 "Lives are at stake (목숨이 달린 문제에요)" 라고 말함. 

이 이야기를 듣고 있던 한 남성이 (이 여자를 마음에 들어 했던 상황인 듯) 이렇게 말함. "I couldn't help but overhear you say that you like a steak, and I also like the steak." (엿들어서 죄송한데 스테이크를 좋아하신다면서요, 저도 스테이크 좋아해요")


at stake, steak의 발음 유희를 활용해 재밌는 상황을 연출해서 이 표현을 알게 되었다. Lives are at stake에서 알 수 있듯, 상황이 위태롭고 성패가 갈린 상황을 뜻할 때 쓸 수 있는 idiom!

⭐️Sentence with "erudite, sabotage, at stake"

With erudite sense, he detected sabotage at stake.
그는 박학한 감각으로 위험에 처해있다라는 걸 감지했다. 

[4] clandestine 

[ klænˈdestɪn; ˈklændəstaɪn ]


잘 기억은 안남. 이것저것 기사를 읽다가 찾은 단어. 처음 보는 단어임. 


 conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods          

 The term "clandestine" is an adjective that describes something that is kept secret, hidden, or done in a secretive manner to conceal its true purpose. Clandestine activities or arrangements are often carried out with a level of secrecy, often because they involve confidential or unauthorized actions. The word is commonly used to refer to covert operations, hidden agendas, or concealed plans that are not meant to be publicly known or easily discovered.          

(clandestine vs confidential)

"clandestine" is more about hidden actions or plans, often with an element of secrecy, while "confidential" pertains to the protection and restricted sharing of sensitive information.


In the old days there were no television cameras, and most ANC press conferences were conducted clandestinely.          

He didn't reveal his clandestine bombing Cambodia.          

We began meeting clandestinely on Saturday mornings at Ellis Park or some private court in the suburbs, where he gave lessons.          


clandestine은 한국말로 번역하면 "비밀리에 하는", "은밀한"과 같이 번역할 수 있다. 원래 알고 있던 confidential (기밀의, 비밀의, 은밀한 etc)과 어떤 점이 다를까 궁금해졌다.

clandestine은 행동이나 계획을 비밀리에/남 모르게 진행하는 뉘앙스.

반면 confidential은 민감한 정보를 보호하고 제한하는 뉘앙스.

이 두 단어 모두 "비밀의, 은밀한, 기밀한" 이라는 뜻을 내포하고 있지만 다른 단어!

[5] jeopardy


이 단어도 어디서 찾았는지 모르겠음. 이 단어는 종종 보았던 단어. 뜻도 어느정도는 알고 있었음. 다시 확실하게 정리!


a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or          

The term "jeopardy" is a noun that refers to the state of being in danger, at risk, or in peril of harm or loss. When something is in jeopardy, it means that it is under threat or exposed to potential harm, and its safety, well-being, or success is at risk. The word is often used to describe situations where there is a significant possibility of adverse consequences or where something valuable is in danger of being lost or damaged.          


Mr. de Klerk’s failure to respond put our own relationship in jeopardy.          

Each day of delay meant putting the expedition in jeopardy, however.          

But we fear that your continued success is in much jeopardy.          

(jeopardy vs risk)

"jeopardy" specifically emphasizes the state of being in danger or at risk of harm or loss. "Risk" is a more general term that refers to the likelihood or chance of unfavorable outcomes, encompassing various situations where there is potential for harm or loss.


jeopardy도 위험, risk도 위험. 이 둘의 차이는 뭘까. 알아보니, jeopardy는 위험에 처해있는 상태에 놓여져 있고 부정적인 결과가 발생할 가능성이 있는 뉘앙스를 가지고 있음.

risk는 예측이 불가능한 상황에 놓여져 있고 부정적인 결과가 발생할 가능성이 있는 뉘앙스를 가지고 있음.

아하, risk가 조금 더 광범위하게 쓰일 수 있는 "위험" 이군. jeopardy는 상대적으로 범위가 작고.

[6] awry

 [ əˈraɪ ]


정확히 어떤 곳에서 딱 본건 아니고, chat gpt로 이것저것 검색하다가 발견한 단어다. 처음보는 단어고, 뭔가 뜻이 요상할 것 처럼 생겨서 조사해본다.(ㅋㅋ)


ad. turned or twisted to one side          

ad.  away from the correct or expected course          

 a. turned or twisted toward one side          

 a. not functioning properly          

 The term "awry" is an adverb and adjective used to describe something that has gone wrong, amiss, or off course. When things go awry, they deviate from the expected or planned course and often result in an unexpected or problematic outcome.          


 The project went awry when key team members resigned.          

 The plan went awry due to unforeseen circumstances.          

 The picture on the wall was hanging awry after the earthquake.          


awry의 품사는 부사, 형용사로 쓰인다. 네이버 사전을 보면 "(계획 등이) 빗나간, 엉망이 된, (흐트러져) 엉망인" 으로 번역된다. 내가 이 단어를 처음 보듯, 이 단어는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 단어는 아니다. 일상생활에서는 "wrong, off course, off track"와 같이 쓰임.

만약 당신이 awry를 발견한다면 아마도 formal한 글에서 발견했거나, 문학 작품 속 혹은 토론에서 발견했을 것이다. 하여튼 일상생활 속에서 흔하게 쓰이는 용어는 아님. 

⭐️Sentence with "clandestine, jeopardy, awry"

The clandestine meeting went awry, putting everyone involved in jeopardy.
이 은밀한 회의는 엉뚱한 방향으로 흘러가서 모두를 위험에 빠뜨렸다. 

[7] affirmative


영화 "The mountain between us"를 보다가 발견한 단어. 이 단어를 알고 있었지만  affirmative를 "그렇다"로 해석을 했길래, 이 단어의 쓰임에 대해서 기록해 본다.


 ad.  affirming or giving assent          

 ad.  expressing or manifesting praise or approval          

 ad. expecting the best          

  n. a reply of affirmation          

  The term "affirmative" is an adjective that is used to indicate agreement, approval, or a positive response. It is often employed in the context of answering a question or responding to a statement in a way that expresses consent, confirmation, or a positive stance.          


 The assumption was that the project would concentrate its efforts on defending affirmative action.          

  “That’s affirmative,” Bull said, grinning at his son who fingered the cigarette without a trace of expertise.          

  “he answered in the affirmative”          


네이버 사전을 보면 "긍정의, 긍정하는, 동의의, 긍정, 동의"의 뜻을 가진다고 나옴.

영화에서 affirmative은 "yes"라고 해석하면 되겠군.  affirmative는 문맥에 맞게 해석할 것.

[8] baseline


이 단어는 아마 한 기관에서 발행한 레포트를 읽다가 (잡지 산업을 분석한 그런 논문이었던걸로 기억) 발견한 어휘. base와 line이 합쳐져서 어떤 뜻을 만들어 냈을까. 


n. an imaginary line or standard by which things are measured or compared          

n. the back line bounding each end of a tennis or handball court; when serving the server must not step over this line          

n. the lines a baseball player must follow while running the bases          

 The term "baseline" has several meanings depending on the context, but in general, it refers to a starting point or reference level that is used for comparison or measurement.           


We have enough for a baseline.          

 The figures for 2001 were used as a baseline for the study.          

 In medical research, the initial health assessments served as the baseline for tracking changes in the patients' conditions over time.          

 In medical research, the initial health assessments served as the baseline for tracking changes in the patients' conditions over time.          


baseline은 맥락에 따라서 다양하게 해석할 수 있고, 마찬가지로 일상생활에서 흔히 사용되는 어휘는 아니다. 주로 프로젝트, 과학, 의학과 같은 영역에서 "기준치, 기준점, 기준선"과 같은 뜻으로 쓰인다. 내가 이 글을 레포트에서 발견한 이유가 있네!

[9] abate


여러가지 공고들을 살펴보다가 발견한 단어!


 v. become less in amount or intensity          

 v. make less active or intense          

 The verb "abate" means to become less intense, to diminish, or to subside. It is often used to describe the reduction or lessening of something, such as a force, an emotion, or the intensity of a situation. "Abate" can also indicate the easing or moderation of something, as well as the mitigation or alleviation of a negative effect or condition.          


die away, let up, lessen, diminish, reduce, decrease, subside, alleviate, mitigate, relent, slack, slack off


abate보다 조금 더 일상적인 어휘들!


 He picked me up in his arms and the riot abated for a while.          

 She got a week's worth of pills with the prescription, so the symptoms are abating somewhat.          

 The virus hit the world, and it is not expected to abate until the end of this month          

  With the proper actions, the prolonged economic recession started to abate, allowing for a more stable recovery.          


abate 감소되고, 약해지고, 완화된다는 의미를 가진 동사다. 이 단어도 마찬가지로 일상생활 속에서 자주 쓰이는 단어는 아니고 특정한 상황에서 감소, 완화된다는 의미를 정확하게 전달하고 싶을 때 쓰인다. 학문적인 텍스트, 특정 분야에서 쓰인 단어! abate는 줄어든다는 뉘앙스가 있지만 이게 양적으로 줄어드는 의미가 아닌, 어떤 상황/조건이 줄어들고 완화되고 감소된다는 의미를 가지고 있는 단어다. 

⭐️Sentence with "affirmative, baseline, abate"

With and affirmative nod, they decided to take action to abate the issue at its baseline. 
긍정적인 끄덕임과 함께, 그들은 이슈를 기본 수준에서 해결하기로 결정했다.

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