

You can make anything
by writing


by 태희킷이지 Feb 01. 2023

페퍼로니 꽃이 피었습니다

#43 서오릉피자

#43 서오릉피자

꽃잎마냥 겹겹이 쌓여있는 페퍼로니에 먼저 손이 간다. 솔직히 페퍼로니에서 고급진 맛이 나는 건 아닌데 뚜렷하게 매운맛이 나는 건 또 처음이라 신선하다.

처음 주문해봐서 반반 피자로 주문했는데 메뉴 고민이 길어지는 게 싫어서 콤비네이션으로 골랐다. 블랙올리브가 가득했고 페퍼로니에 비해서는 간도 적당하니 좋았다

뜻하지 않게 블랑에다 먹는 바람에 뚜렷한 맛이 남지 않기도 했고, 밥 먹자마자 후식으로 먹은 거라 4명에서 2조각씩 나눠먹느라 맛을 신중하게 볼 수 없던 게 아쉽다.

아 그리고 흑미 도우였는데 좀 쫀득쫀득한 느낌이었다. 쫀득쫀득이 사실 흑미 도우 때문인지는 알 수가 없다. 정작 흑미 도우로 특허있는 건 피자알볼로라니까 그곳에 묻도록 하자.


Pepperoni, which is piled up like petals, stands out first. Honestly, pepperoni doesn't have a high-quality taste, but it's fresh because it's the first time it has a distinctly spicy taste.

I ordered half-and-half pizza because it was my first time, but I didn't want to worry about the menu for a long time, so I chose a combination. It was full of black olives, and compared to pepperoni, the seasoning was just right, so it was good.

Unexpectedly, there was no clear taste left because it was paired with Blanc, and it was a pity that I couldn't taste it carefully because I was sharing two pieces for dessert after dinner.

Oh, and it was black rice dough, but it felt a bit chewy. In fact, it is not known whether the chewyness is due to black rice dough. Pizza albolo is actually patented as black rice dough, so ask there.

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