
You can make anything
by writing


Brave warrier

게 섯거라

어젯밤에 걷기 하던중에 길에서 게를 만났어요.

게는 바다에 살지만 이렇게 민물에 사는 참게도 있어요.  비가 오면  중랑천 물가에서 본적이 있는데 이번에 소나기로 쓸려나온것 같아요. 그의 이야기 들어보실래요?

Last night. I took a walk along the stream near my house. After a heavy rain during the daytime, the air was so fresh and clean that I was able to enjoy walking itself. The green grass waved at me as if saying "hello" to me. I stopped to touch them for a while. Their deep fragrance came across to me.

I kept walking along the path listening to music untill I went to the Han river. Then

on the way, I found a passer-by watching something moving little by little with his

phone camera focused on it.

As soon as I got closer to him, he hurried far away. Maybe he got back to doing exercise. I think.

To my surprise, it was a big crab that I found there. The creature was struggling to escape from it in fear while heading somewhere-for water, food, family and friends.

His image is that of a piligrim wandering in search of the truth. I said to myself,

"Never give up. Life is such a thing. It is worth fighting." As it was getting dark. I

was sure he might be a prey to a predator. Though the weak creature must have lost his way in the sudden shower, he really looked like a brave warrier.

When I was worried about his terrible situation, a couple came up to me. I asked them to help him go back to his place. And I prayed that he might return to his loving family in safe.

All living things on earth are beautifull in that we share suffering of different kinds on the long journry to the end.



매거진의 이전글 My daughter's Performance
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