
You can make anything
by writing


You are Summer!

Good Evening! Thursday #영어가트이는90일영어글쓰기

Every summer I hear cicadas shouting themselves hoarse in the trees. These days it sounds like they are singing in chorus. The reason they are doing so is, you know they want to appeal to mates.

 I have looked up to a flowering tree to see how many cicadas there were in it.  They were covered with green leaves, but I was able to spot each while scanning the tree. One of them flew by as if he hdd somthing to tell me. He was staying on the trunk as if to say to me. "Catch me if you can".

After taking a look at it I found that unfortunately his leg was broken with his wings drying in the hot weather. Yes it is sizzling hot!

I thought he was thirsty, so I picked it up and moved to higher shadowy brunch in hope that it can meet his mate. They say  a cicada ought to stay in a leaver for seven years to have a summer on the earth. If so, it is a picture of perseverance.

 Though we live far longher than it, we tend to waste away the days meaninglessly. What a momentous it would be without them!

Our summer time starts with their shouting and ends with their silence.

매거진의 이전글 Brave warrier
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