
You can make anything
by writing


by Andrew Oh Mar 31. 2024

3/31(Sun) US immigrants

50 Most common nationalities among current U.S. immigrants:

 Mexico: 10,678,502

 India: 2,839,618

 China: 2,217,894

 Philippines: 1,982,333

 El Salvador: 1,407,622

 Vietnam: 1,331,192

 Cuba: 1,312,510

 Dominican Republic: 1,279,900

 Guatemala: 1,148,543

 South Korea: 1,045,100

 Colombia: 928,053

 Honduras: 843,774

 Canada: 821,322

 Jamaica: 804, 775

 Haiti: 730,780

 United Kingdom: 676,652

 Venezuela: 667,664

 Brazil: 618,525

 Germany: 537,484

 Ecuador: 518,287

 Peru: 471,988

 Nigeria: 448,405

 Ukraine: 427,163

 Iran: 407,283

 Pakistan: 399,086

 Russia: 398,123

 Taiwan: 377,949

 Poland: 374,056

 Nicaragua: 330,096

 Japan: 295,280

 Italy: 294,936

 Bangladesh: 294,277

 Ethiopia: 293,083

 Guyana: 286,951

 Thailand: 263,120

 Hong Kong: 237,129

 Trinidad and Tobago: 235,705

 Egypt: 229,204

 Iraq: 222,806

 Ghana: 215,333

 Argentina: 196,427

 Afghanistan: 194,742

 Nepal: 191,213

 France: 182,467

 Kenya: 168,915

 Laos: 168,284

 Portugal: 159,626

 Myanmar: 159,254

 Cambodia: 158,899

 Romania: 157,973

According to The Migration Policy Institute's tabulation of from the U.S. Census Bureau (2022)

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